A New Beginning

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(Your POV)

Mangle lays on the hospital bed, her head down into her knees, sobbing. You stood by her side, holding her hand in comfort, your head down, looking at the floor. A nurse walked into the room. Her white outfit shining in the dull light above you. She walked over to the bed, and sat on the edge next to mangle.

"It's time, honey." Her soft voice echoed through the room.

Mangle looked up at her, got up, and followed her out of the room, leaving you alone in the dim light of the room. Looking up at the bed at the far wall, you walked over to it. A baby lie in the bed. The heart rate monitor next to it was slowing, and dropping. You placed your hand gently on the baby's back as the beeps faded away into a solid flat line.

"Why was it only in death, were you redeemed, my child..." You whisper.

Your eyes open, and you gasp, falling out of your chair in your office. Coming back into the world of reality, you looked around.

"My god... it was just a dream." You manage to say. "It was just a dream..."

(Mangle's POV)

Walking around in the game room of your basement, I sighed, leaning against the pool table that sat in the middle of the room. I was home alone today, as N/N needed to work a day shift to earn extra money, and Foxy and Y/S/N left for her apartment a few hours ago. Walking out of the game room, my pregnant belly growled. I haven't eaten anything at all today, as N/N still needed to go grocery shopping. I was tired of just eating microwavable meals, and was craving for some real food. I made my way from the game room, to the stairs that lead up to the living room when a smell hit my nose. It wasn't a bad one, but actually a very good one, and it made me hungrier than I had ever felt before. I followed it to a large freezer next to the steps.

"Strange... why haven't I noticed this yet?" I thought, opening the freezer to see a large cardboard box.

Struggling under the surprisingly heavy weight of the box, I lifted it out of the freezer, and placed it on the lid of the freezer. Opening the flaps of the box, the smell became stronger, and stronger. But inside was something that made me jump back, and scream. Chica's lifeless body was laying limp at the bottom of the box. Upon farther investigation, I noticed a note that was taped on the wall of the box. My name written in bold letters on the front. I slowly inched closer to the box, quickly grabbed the note and jumped back again. Unfolding the little piece of paper, I began to read the words printed upon it. The note read..

"Mangle, You may be wondering how, and why you're seeing what lies in this box. I'll tell you. When Y/N had come to the pizzeria after hours last Thursday, Chica had attacked him. She manipulated me into turning her into a living creature, to sexually attack Y/N. In which he had responded with a vicious circle of brutality. Now, to answer the question on why she's in your home. I had placed her there for you to dispose of as you please. ~Marionette".

A deep rage built up inside of me. My breathing became heavy, and a growl escaped my clenched teeth. I walked back over to the box and noticed the butterfly knife Foxy gave N/N for Christmas laying beside Chica's lifeless body. She picked it up, and flicked it open, holding it tightly in her hand.

"Dispose of it as you please." I repeated in my head.

I grinned with anger, and ripped the box apart exposing Chica's body and slid the knife down on her arm, cleanly slicing off all the feathers the blade came in contact with.

"I know what I'll do with this." I said as my pregnant belly growled loudly once again.

Having successfully de-feathered my new enemy after nearly 5 minutes, I had evenly sliced decent sized pieces off meat off of Chica's body, packed the rest of the body back in the freezer for another time and then brought the pieces I cut upstairs, laying them down on a plate. Just as I did so, the phone rang. N/N was calling. I picked up the phone, and pressed the talk button.

A New Love Life (Mangle x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now