The Eventful Day

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(Your POV)

"Okay guys, I'm heading out!" You called over to Mangle and Foxy who were sitting at the dining room table playing chess. "Alright sweetie, I'll see you in a few hours!" Mangle called back to you. "Alrighty." You called back and walked out the door. Walking to your car you thought. 'What's Jim gonna say when he finds out that I took Foxy as well..?' You thought. "Guess I'm gonna find out when I get there." You said out loud to yourself as you pulled out of your driveway and headed to the pizzeria.

Time skip to when you pull into the pizzeria

You walked into the pizzeria and stopped as you noticed the lights were still on. "Wait…. why are the lights on? It's usually wicked dark in here. Strange." You said to yourself as you walked into your office and sat down. Grabbing your tablet and turning it on, you immediately see that there was a document open, It read...

"(Y/n), please report to my office...NOW!" ~Jim

"Oh no!" You said as you stood up and headed to Jim's office. You got there and opened the door, stepping in. Jim was currently writing a... pink slip. He looked at you and saw you standing in front of the door. "Ah, (y/n), please have a seat." Jim said and pointed to the chair in front of him, looking you in the eye. You nodded and walked over to the chair and sat down which also broke the awkward eye contact. "You wanted to see me?" You said, folding your hands and looking over at Jim, who was still writing on the pink slip. "Yes Y/N, I did. And do you have any idea as to why?" He said looking up at you. "N-No sir, I do not." You said back, looking him in the eye, again causing an awkward eye contact. "Well, I'll give you a hint. It has to do with you taking Foxy back with you." He said sitting back in his chair. "Okay, yeah I kinda took him home with me. I can bring him back if you want but he's…. uhhhhh-" Jim cut you off. "Why are you sorry about it? You do realize what you did right?" Jim smiled and sat back.

"Um, no I don't." You said, very confused. Jim laughed looking over at you. "I thought you were a lot smarter than this, Y/N. You just saved our company from bankruptcy! Again!" He said standing up. "I did?" You asked standing up and looking at him, confusion spread all over your face. "Yes. You see, you took him home with you, which saved us from spending the money we don't have to just turn him into a tiny little cube." He said as he walked over to you, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Oh.." You managed to say after taking all of this in. "Mhmm." Jim hummed, sitting back down. "So, I'm not getting fired...?" You asked him. Jim looked up at you with a confused look on his face. "Oh hell no. Yo're actually getting a pay raise and are taking the rest of the week off for saving my ass again. It's the least I can do." He said, pulling out your paycheck for...$500.00?! "Jim, this is..." You muttered out, staring at the number on the paper. "You might wanna head out now, before I change my mind." He said sitting back in his chair and folding his arms, smiling.

"Yes sir!" You said running out of his office and heading to your car. You sat down and started your car, warming it up before pulling out and heading home to tell Foxy and Mangle the good news. "But, wait, who was getting fired?" You thought to yourself. "Actually, I don't care." You said as you pulled out of the pizzeria and headed home.

Time skip to when you get home

You walked in the front door to see Foxy, sitting on the couch and flipping through the channels looking for something to watch when he finally noticed you. "Hey, N/N. You're home very early." He said standing up and walking towards you. "What happened at Freddy's?" Foxy asked. "Well, apparently Freddy's would've been shut down due to lack of money after scrapping you, so after I took you home and had you changed into what you are now, my boss found out about it and he gave me a pay raise and the rest of the week off for once again saving the company! And an early paycheck!" You said pulling a check out of your back pocket and handing it to Foxy. "Your getting paid $500 a week?!" Foxy asked in shock. "Yep." You nodded taking back the check and putting it back in your back pocket. "Well, I'm very glad for you, lad." Foxy said patting your back and sitting back down on the couch. "Thanks. Hey, where's Mangle?" You asked taking off your (favorite color) hoodie. "She's up in your room. I believe she said she was going to bed." Foxy said, turning the channel to the Si-Fi channel. "Oh, okay. Thanks, Foxy." You said walking up the stairs and heading to your room.

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