Her New Home

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(Your POV)

"Um, Mangle. That was the alarm for me to head home. I have to leave now." You told her, trying to remove her from your chest. Mangle tightened her grip, making it hard for you to move her. She looked up at you, her yellow optics still shining and still smiling like crazy. "IIIII leavvve withhh you home?" She asked in what seemed to be begging. Did she just ask you to come home with you? Um, well… I don't see why not. "Why not?" you told her, looking into her shining eyes. Mangle wasted no time jumping off you and pulling you out of your office and into your car. "YAAAAY" Mangle yelled with delight as you started your car and drove to your house.

"Gosh….. What am I doing? I'm taking an animatronic home with me… but, yet again….she IS kind of cute." You thought to yourself without shame this time. "We're almost there Mangle." You told her. Her ears perked up and she replied back. "Howww faarrrr?" Mangle asked. "Not too far, only a mile or two" You said back to her.

You arrived at your house and Mangle wrapped around you again like she did before at the pizzeria. You walked up to your house and slowly opened the door. "Hey I'm home!" You called to your sister Y/S/N who had just woken up to your call. "Hey Y/N, how was…" Her sentence was cut off at the sight of Mangle wrapped around you with her head resting on your shoulder, looking at Y/S/N. "What the HELL IS THAT!?" Y/S/N yelled to you. "Um, well, she's…I'll explain later okay?" You told your sister as she slowly crept back to her room. "Yeah, you do that" She said before she shut her door. "Shee nooo liikee mee?" Mangle asked, a bit concerned. You looked over at her, "Oh no, she just needs time to warm up to you" You reassured her. You set Mangle down on the couch and turned on Y/F/C (Your Favorite Channel). "This is a good show, you'll like it." You told her as you sat on the couch next to her. Mangle's focus was locked on the T.V. watching what you put on. Half way through the episode, your phone started blasting your favorite song. You picked it up and looked at who was calling. Your boss. "Hey Jim…..uh, yeah I can do that…..um, okay, ill be there in a bit."

You hung up. "Hey Mangle, Jim wants to see me to talk to me about something. I'll be back okay?" You told Mangle who was still watching. She looked over at you. "Oookaayy" She said, turning her gaze back to the T.V. You arrived at Freddy's as quickly as you could, and went into your boss's office, where a small laptop was resting on the desk. Jim looked up from his papers. "Ah, good. You're here, please have a seat." He pointed to the seat in front of the laptop. "Okay." You said as you sat down. "What's going on?' You asked. "Well, watch this and you tell me." Jim said as he clicked on the laptop, showing you all the events that happened the night you left with mangle.

"Um, sir, I can explain…" You said, afraid you were going to lose your job. "Now Y/N, don't worry. Come." Jim said as he stood near a calendar. You walked over and stood next to him. "You see.." He stated. "The fox was supposed to be scraped in a few days, but we as a company don't have the money to do so. You couldn't have picked a better time to take her with you. Hey, can you do me a favor?" He asked you. "Uh, yeah sure what is it?" You asked. "I want you to keep the fox, it'll save us from dept. and bad business" He stated. "Yeah, I can do that!" You said excited and ran out of his office and rushed home. Jim chuckled and smiled. "He's always very energetic." Jim said.

When you got home, Mangle and your sister were sitting on the couch, Y/S/N petting Mangle's head. "Ya know N/N, she's not too bad." She told you. "I told you, haha. Hey Mangle, I have good news!" Mangles eyes lit up and she crawled towards you. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?" She hummed. "This is your new home now!" You told her happily. Mangles ears perked up and she jumped on you, looking into your eyes, she leaned down to you and whispered... "IIIII lovvee youuu N/N!!" Mangle said to you.

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