Mangle's Nightmare

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(Mangle's POV)

Darkness. That was all. As far as the eye can see. Nothing but pure darkness. And the sound of a heartbeat.

My yellow eyes glowed as I looked around, hoping to find some trace of light, or N/N. "..N/N?.." I called out into the stretch of black that continued for miles. "Where are you? I-I-I'm scared! Please!" I cried out.

A red glow started to lighten up the room. But it wasn't much help. The light looked as if you shined a flashlight into your closed eye. I started to walk around now. Calling his name every minute or so. The heartbeat sound grew louder as her heart rate increased, as if the sound was her own heart echoing in the night.

I've been walking for what seemed like years, and still. Nothing. The red glow seemed to dim the farther away she was from her starting distance. I began to cry, and fell to her knees. "This is hopeless! I'm lost!" I thought. "I'm never gonna be found! Why? What have I done to deserve this?!"

After sitting and crying for roughly 10 minutes, footsteps could be heard approaching me. I looked up at the direction it was coming from. My yellow eyes piercing the red. Tears falling from my furry cheeks. "Y/N...? Is that you?" I called out. A figure started to from from the darkness. It was indeed him. But something was different.

The closer he got, the more I could make out what it was. His eyes were black voids that seemed to drip a black goo down your face. I fell on my back, crying harder now. "N-NO! THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED! W-WHY! NOO!" I screamed.

Y/N stopped right in front of me, looking down at me. A knife held tightly in his right fist. Black, tar like sludge fell like rain off of his face and onto my belly, creating a burning sensation. All I could do is look up at him. Tears leaking from my face like an unclogged faucet. He tilted his head, looking into my eyes, and swinging his knife back and fourth around my stomach.

"N/N! Please! No! I-I love you! Don't do this!" I begged. He slowed the knife to a complete stop, the tip aiming right for my belly, and smiled a horrible, sick smile, and stood this way for a few seconds, before dropping the knife.

"NOO!" I screamed as the knife plunged into my stomach, causing sharp pain. I screamed louder as the pain grew. And as it grew to a maximum...

I woke up. Screaming and crying just as I was in my dream, grabbing my stomach and sitting up violently.

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