Christmas "Gift" (🍋)

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(Your POV)

"Okay Foxy, this is from me to you." You say, handing a small box wrapped in a red paper with snowmen on it. "Aye, thank you, lad!" Foxy said, as he took the box from you, tearing off the paper. Inside was an eye patch that had silver words on the patch. "Well, I'm definitely going to wear this." Foxy laughed and placed it to the side of him. "Why don't you put it on?" Mangle asked. Foxy still had never told Mangle that he didn't have an eye under his current eye patch. "I'll be right back." He said and got up to use the bathroom. While he was gone, you had noticed something you hadn't before. A faint smell that wasn't really a horrible smell, but reminded you of sex. With it being Christmas morning, you just pushed it aside. That was something that should be investigated later on. Foxy had come back, with his new eye patch. "Looking good man." You said, smiling at him. "Thank you for this! I highly appreciate it!" Foxy said, moving it to a comfortable position.

"And, I got this for you." Foxy said, handing you a tall, narrow box with the same wrapping. You opened it to find a butterfly knife with a black blade and blood red handles laying inside. "Whoa!" You said taking it out of the package. "This is amazing! Where'd you find it?!" You asked out. "Online." Foxy said, resting his head on his hand. "Back when I was a teen, I used to be real good with these." You said, closing the handles. "How good?" Mangle asked, lifting her head from your lap to look up at you. With that, you undid the latch, and threw the knife up in the air, catching it by the tip of the blade and throwing it back in the air where you caught it with your right hand by the handles. Both Foxy and Mangle looked at you in awe. "Wow." Both Mangle and Foxy said at the same time. "Yeah, just don't try that, ever. That took 4 trips to the hospital, and like, 80 packs of band aids to learn." You say, putting down the knife and pulling out a gift for Mangle this time.

She still didn't give a solid answer on what she wanted, but you got her something anyways. "Here, from me to you baby" you say handing her the gift. "Oh, thank you!" Mangle said, sitting up and taking it. "What is it?" She asked, shaking the package, listening to what was hiding inside shake around. "Well, open it and find out" you say, smirking. "Tease" She laughed as she ripped the paper off the box. The box that held all the seasons of Y/F/S (Your Favorite Series). Considering that was the first TV show she ever watched and liked. "Awe, thank you so much!" Mangle said and turned and hugged you. And again, that smell hit you. But it was a lot stronger. But again, you just brushed it off and thought nothing of it. "Now, I can finally see all the seasons from start to finish!" She said. "Well, why don't you put them on" You say, smiling. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Mangle said as she jumped off the couch and put the first disc of the first season in the DVD player.

"Well, if you guys don't mind, I think I'm going to take myself a walk." Foxy said, standing up, cracking his back. "You sure?" You asked. "Yeah, I need it anyways, plus I wanna go and see my friend." Foxy said, grabbing his coat. "That spell still works?" You asked when he mentioned his "new friend". "Yes, it does, it will forever. I made sure of that" He said, walking to the door. "Don't wait up, I'll be gone awhile"

A few hours later

You and Mangle had already watched the first 3 seasons of Y/F/S. The last episode of season 3 had finished, but Mangle didn't jump to put in the next disc. Instead she stood up. "I'm going to head to bed, I'm kinda tired." Mangle said. You looked over at the clock and it read 6:55 pm. Not a normal time she went to bed, but you just stood up and hugged her. "Alright baby, goodnight. Merry Christmas." You said. "Um, can you come with me?" She asked, looking over her shoulder to you. "Um, sure" you say a bit puzzled, but you follow her.

You reach your bedroom, and once you got inside, Mangle threw you on the bed, climbed up on top of you, and started to kiss you. Unaware of what was happening, all you could do was kiss her back. After a while, she pulled back. "We've been doing things nice, so let's get a bit naughty, shall we, N/N?" Mangle asked you with massive sexual aggression in her voice. She took her night shirt off, and that smell was practically radiating off of her, taking its control on you, you practically couldn't move. It was strong enough to keep you immobilized, but hard as hell. You looked up to see Mangle sitting on top of you, and both her breasts and vagina were a bit swollen. Then it clicked. She's practically craving sex, she's sexually aggressive, and her lady parts are swollen. ...she's in HEAT! Thinking about it seemed to just make you harder by the second.

"I feel that." Mangle teased you, rubbing back and fourth on your crotch. You winced at this, and Mangle giggled. "What's the matter? Can't take it?" Mangle said, teasing you again. Well, you weren't going to take that laying down. You flipped her over, so that way, YOU were on top. Mangle giggled, and took your shirt off. "I can't take it anymore, let's skip to where you enter me." Mangle said, undoing your pants. You helped get them off, and you both were soon  naked and horny. You take your hard, throbbing dick by the shaft, and started to rub its head against her entrance. Mangle's head cocked back and she let out a soft moan. "Guess I've teased you enough." You said as you slowly insert a fraction of you dick into her. With this, Mangle flipped you back onto your back and slid the rest of your hard dick deep into her, and slowing started to ride up and down.

You managed to moan as Mangle began to move faster and faster. Mangle paused for a moment to catch her breath, and you saw this as your only opportunity. You flipped her over and jerked your hips back and forth, hitting all her spots. "Ohhh! Oh, yes! Y/N!" Mangle yelled out, digging her nails down your back that left dark red lines that burned worse than the fires of hell, but turning you on as well. You started thrusting deeper and moved faster as you and Mangle both reached an orgasm. "Y-yes! Ohh, Y/N, cum inside me!" Mangle screamed. And you did just that. Breathing heavily, you lay on top of Mangle, you softening member still inside her, a white liquid leaked slowly out of her. She threw her arms around you and you slowly drifted off to sleep. Mangle following behind you.

A New Love Life (Mangle x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora