A New Body

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(Your POV)

The darkness around you stretched on and on and on. But, starth to fade away from you. Your ability to feel and hear had returned. But your sight, and ability to speak hadn't. Leaving you vulnerable to whatever was learning in the room with you. You heard the doors open, and Mangles footsteps running towards you. More of your vision started to clear up, allowing you to see her face. Her eyes were full of tears, paw covering her mouth as she looked down at you. "Is he...?" Mangle asked, looking up at Marionette, who had finally appeared in your rang of sight. "He's alive. But barely." Marionette said, leaning down and shining a light into your eyes. "His pupils are dilating normally, and he is breathing" He confirmed, looking up at Mangle. "He will be okay. Let's just let him awake." He said, standing up and leaving the room. "Come." He called to Mangle. Mangle looked down at you, a tear falling from her eye as she leaned down to kiss you before standing up, and walking out of your range of sight. You heard the doors close again, and the room went dark.

No sounds could be heard, and again, you couldn't see. You could only feel the ground on your back, and think to yourself. "Why can't I break from this!?" You thought. "Why can't I see again?!" You started to become enraged. "I need to get out of here! I need to..." "Break!" You shouted aloud, violently sitting up. All of you senses had returned. The darkness that had once surrounded you, turned into a pink and purple haze from the lights shining in the prize corner. The sound of a music box filled the room, and the glorious feel of the A/C pressed against your fur. You raised your hand to your face, only for it to be stopped by you newly created snout. Your attention was brought to your paws, raising them up allowing you to test there movements. "Woah.." You whispered. You slowly started to stand up, fighting to keep balance on new, thinner legs. You looked up at the clock. "Uh oh!" You panicked as it read '5:40 am' "I need to find Mangle and get out of here!" You thought you thought to yourself, running, stumbling, and tripping your way to the door.

A New Love Life (Mangle x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now