New Surprises (🍋)

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(Your POV)

Once you finally reach it, you push it open and find Marionette waiting outside. He looked down at you, noticing the full, successful change to your body.

"Everything worked out nicely, I see. How do you feel?" He asked.

"I feel kinda strange." You said, looking up at his white face. "Not in a bad way." You added. "I don't feel human anymore. Its kinda weird." Marionette nodded.

"It's natural. You'll get over that feel soon enough." He said, folding his hands.

You started looking around for Mangle. But, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Mangle?" You asked, scratching the top of your head.

"In your office" He said, pointing down the hallway. "She had run off when the transformation began. Your screams frightened her." He explained. "It would be wise for you to go and get her. Your shift ends soon." He said, opening the doors to the prize corner, and disappearing inside.

"Yeah, that's would be a good idea." You thought, walking down the hallway to your office.

You reached your office faster than normal. For some reason, your speed increased when you transformed. Not only your speed, but your awareness, eyesight, hearing, and stamina increased as well. Allowing you to do more activities than before when you were human. Before you opened the door, you pressed your ear against it, listening to whatever was happening inside. You could faintly hear Mangle sobbing inside in the far corner of the room. You took a deep breath, squeezed the handle, and opened the door slowly. You quietly stepped inside, and quietly closed the door. Mangle was crouched down in the corner, hands covering her face, crying softly. You slowly crept up near her, and crouched down in front of her.

"What's a beautiful girl like yourself doing here alone, huh?" You asked, smiling as you leaned against the wall with your arms crossed.

Mangle looked up at you, and hugged you tightly.

"Y-you're okay!" She managed to say. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" You asked, hugging her back.

Mangle looked up at you.

"Well, considering that once the doors closed, you started to scream bloody murder, I thought something would've happened to you. Something bad." She said, placing her head on your shoulder.

"Well, I'm okay. I'm alright." You said, petting the back of her head.

Mangle pulled away, and looked at you.

"What?" You asked, adjusting your hat.

"Nothing! It's just that you... you look amazing." She said, moving her hand to touch your face. "Does it feel different?" She asked, placing her hand at her side.

"Your touch, or being a fox thing?" You asked. "Um, both, actually." She said, standing up.

You followed, and answered.

"Well, it feels a bit different with this fur, and yes it feels very different from my previous self." You said, grabbing your car keys out of a drawer on your desk.

"How so?" She asked, walking towards you.

"I can't really explain it, but I can guarantee that this is going to take some time getting used to." You explained, turning to face her.

Mangle wrapped her arms around your neck, and pulled close to you. You responded to this by placing your hands at her waist.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." You whispered back to her, leaning down to kiss her.

As soon as you did, the bell rang. Indicating that your shift was over. You pulled away from Mangle, and looked into her yellow eyes. Mangle smiled.

A New Love Life (Mangle x Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя