fuck you, fuck them, fuck everyone

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"it was you that he cheated on me with. wasn't it?" i say again, louder.

"y/n...i'm sor- "

"no you're not." i state.

"you're right, i'm not sorry at all. i mean, your ex before harry was just as adamant that i am so much better than you." y/bsf/n says, their whole voice and demeanour changing.

"leave. now." jack steps in.

i just stand there, in pure shock of what had just happened.

"you absolute bitch!" i shout, walking closer to y/bsf/n, a new expression of anger taking over.

"y/n, calm down." wil says.

"no! i will not fucking calm down. i am going to be angry." i shout back at wil, turning back to y/bsf/n and moving closer to them. "you absolute mother fucking bitch! why the fuck would you do that to me? you were supposed to be my best friend!"

i swing for y/bsf/n, only to be pulled away by wilbur, and jack stepping in and getting them to leave the house.

"y/n, you need to calm down..." wil starts.

"i don't want to calm down. i've just found out that my mum isn't my mum and that i have a brother! and to top it all off, the one person i thought was supposed to always be there for me has been the person that two of my exes have cheated on me with! so no, i will not calm down!"

"y/n, i'm sure george would've told you sooner, if he thought it was what was best...he was just waiting for the right time to tell you." wil explains.

"i'm sorry what?" i shout. "george fucking knew that he was my brother?"

"that's not- "

"it's what you said!" i shout.

"y/n...i'm sorry for not telling you...i had gone to wil a few times for advice..." george explains, in a unknowingly patronising voice.

"wil knew too?" i scream, "leave. just go. please just go. everyone just please go." i say a little calmer, fed up of all the lies i was being told.

"y/n..." jacob starts.

"i'm sorry, i need time alone." i say quickly, before walking off, into the house, seeing jacob try to follow me in.

"don't." i hear jack say, "i'll go after her."

i carry on walking, up and into jack's bedroom. i hear a knock on the doorframe.

why didn't i close the fucking door?

"hey..." jack says quietly.

"hi." i say with a huff.

jack walks in and sits me onto the bed.

"stop pacing." he says, "talk to me."

"everyone's been lying to me. i mean, my entire family, almost all of my friends, they've all been lying to me in some way or another. i'm sick and tired of it jack, i need someone or at least something that i can count on to be there for me."

"i am. i'm here and i always will be. i an not going anywhere."

"thank you jack," i say, wrapping my arms around him, finally letting a few tears escape.

he didn't say anything more. just sat with me, comforting me, for what felt like hours until i finally closed me eyes and fell asleep.

i woke up again in the same position.

"hey sleepyhead." jack smiles at me.

"hey," i say with a slightly croaky voice.

"i was thinking, while you were asleep."

"oh no, don't hurt yourself." i say groggily, a small smile plastered on my sleep-stricken face.

"oh shush," he chuckles. "i was thinking that maybe, you can stay here for a while, away from everyone."

"are you sure? i don't want to impose."

"of course i'm sure. plus my parents and brother absolutely love you, so it'll be absolutely fine."

"ok," i smile bigger. "thank you."

"it's fine," jack states.

a bit of a shorter chapter, sorry.
thanks for reading <3


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