drink and a small party

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tw: there will be underage drinking in this chapter.


i hang up and go to bed.
that was a weird interaction, right? like, guys don't normally do that...do they? i'm so very confused right now.
i go to sleep and wake back up to the sound of my alarm at 6:30am. i complete my morning school routine, including getting my sister up and i hop on the bus and go to school.


time skip to the end of the week lol, it's friday now, the last day of school.


today was the last day of school, i'm glad it is, it means i don't have to go to school for another 3 months, but it does mean that i've got university in september...fun.
me and jack have been watching that tv show every day for the past week, after i come home from school and after we've finished streaming, it's been really fun.
george has been telling me of all the memories he has of us when we were younger, i still don't fully know how my mum and his mum met, but i'm sure i'll figure that out soon, and why they stopped talking.
wil has been really helping me with any panic attacks that i've had, and he's been really helpful with little bits of my music work that i needed to do for school.
tubbo, tommy and ranboo, they've basically just become my best friends - online of course.

it was the last period of the day, and i couldn't wait for the remaining six minutes to be over, i'm going out with my friends tonight, as a 'fuck yes! we survived british high school and sixth form!' sort of thing.

"you ready for tonight?" y/bsf/n asked me.

"yes! i'm so fucking excited!" i started, "it's straight after school, right?"

"yeah, me, you, tom, jess, joe and kels are all going to mine straight after school, then we parttyyyyy!" they say excitedly.

"three minutes!" i squeal.

"yes! we can go and get the rest of them after, then get the school bus back to mineee!"

"two minutes!"

"can't waittt!"

"one minute!"

"okay everyone, good luck in the future, good luck at college, good luck in everything you're going to do in your life and...try not to get too drunk tonight, we all know that most of you will be drinking!" my teacher called to us, we all laughed and watched back towards the clock hung on the wall.

"5..." i say.

"4..." says y/bsf/n.

"3...2..." everyone joins.

"1!" the bell rings and everyone cheers.

"bye everyone! don't crush each other on the way out!" the teacher shouts as we're on our way out.

we all ran towards the gates cheering and screaming our heads off.
me and y/bsf/n went to get tom, jess, joe and kels before hopping on the school bus and going to y/bsf/n's house.
their house is a really nice place, i've been there quite a few times, it's got 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, a super cute garden and a really nice kitchen, i did my subgoal cooking stream from their kitchen once because mine isn't big or nice enough for it.

we spent about two hours chatting and watching tv, then tom and kels went home and the rest of us went to the garden with some drinks, by about 7:30pm, we had drunk around 2 bottles of gin, a bottle of vodka, a bottle of whiskey and a crate of strongbow. let's put it this way, we were fucked.
we were all messing around, then i got my phone out and started messing around more on my phone.

y/n <3

jack x
hi y/n
you ok?

y/n <3

jack x
why can't you spell right?

y/n <3
cause i deinj

jack x
try that again, just type slower

y/n <3
i deunkkjkkk

jack x
ok, where are you?

y/n <3
i at frienďß hiusw

jack x

y/n <3
** ******** *****, ******

jack x
spelt right?

y/n <3

jack x
ok, i'm coming get you
that's in mansfield, not far from me at all

y/n <3
noooopoooo! i'm friiinnbeeeeer!!

jack x
no you're not, i'm coming to get you

y/n <3
i cwn't go hime thoush!

jack x
ok, you can try to explain when i get there ok?

y/n <3

i turn off my phone and turn towards my friends.

"jack is picking me upppp."

"he's so sweet! have you even met him in person before?" y/bsf/n asks.

"nope." i say, putting extra emphasis on the 'p' at the end of the word.

"that's so cuttteeeeee! he's so nice! i wish my boyfriend was that nice." jess says.

"me too." joe whines.

just after, there was a knock at the front door. we all get up from our seats in the back garden and stumble towards the front door.
i open the door to find jack stood infront of me. i fell forward into him - not being able to tell if i fell or was pushed due to the drink.

"s- sorry..." i say quickly, slurring my words.

"come on, let's get you home." jack replies.

"i can't go home! my mum will kill me! i can just stay here, she thinks i'm staying here anyways! please..."

"ok, you aren't going home, but you aren't staying here either, so come on, we'll figure it out, let's just get you in the car. ok?" he says calmly.

he puts his arm around my waist to hold me steady and walks me to his car. he sets me down on the passenger seat and i wave to my friends. i look back to him with a sad and apologetic pout on my face.

"i'm sorry," i say.

"it's ok, it happens to everyone."

"no, it's not ok! this is the first time you've met me in person and i'm a drunken mess! i'm so sorry..." i say, starting to tear up towards the end of my sentence.

"look, it's fine, i would rather meet you like this and know that you're ok, than meet you on any other day and have left you in this state today." he says, putting his hand on top of mine, trying to comfort me.

"i can't go home. i can't."

"ok, you mentioned earlier that you were supposed to stay here tonight, where's your bag?"

"it's still inside..."

"i'll go get you bag then and you can saty at mine tonight, ok?"

"ok, thank youuuuu." i thank, extending the 'you'.

thanks for reading! you are wonderful, never forget that! <3


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