school days are the worst

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"ok, thanks wil, i'm gonna head off now." i say in return.

"bye y/n."

and with that i ended the call and got a little bit of sleep, before i had to get my little sister up and ready for school at seven.


i got up in the morning by my stupid alarm, quite relieved that this week was my last week of school, as year 13s (last year of sixth form) leave a month earlier than everyone else, and this year - due to the covid pandemic - we leave two months earlier than everyone else.

i looked at my phone, and hit it with my fist, making it turn off.
i swung my legs over the edge of my bed, slipped on my socks and went to my sister's room.

"y/s/n, come on, wake up please, we've gotta be at the bus stop in half an hour."

i heard her groan and indicate that she was awake.

"come on, get ready please."

"okkk, i'm getting up." she complained.

i walk out of her room, put on my uniform, brush and sort my hair, and finished getting ready and go to the bus stop with my sister, putting my mask on as i boarded the bus.
as i walk into school, i got stares and looks from people who never really talk to me. i was beginning to become more and more self-concious, as more and more people stared.

"hey! y/n, wait up!" my friend, y/bsf/n, called to me, before jogging to catch up.

"hey! umm, quick question, is it just me being anxious and paranoid, or are people staring at me?" i ask.

"oh, they're staring." they replied.

"oh, what a wonderful fucking delight." i say, sarcasm encased in my tone.

"you literally streamed with pretty much the world's biggest streamers last night, and you think that people aren't going to stare at you?" they asked, equally matching my sassiness.

"you've got a good point. school fucking sucks, i'm so glad that we only have one week left." i say, as we walk to tutor.

we go our separate ways and into tutor, me still dreading the day ahead.
i've never really liked school, i moved quite a bit when i was younger and have already been to three different high schools, which is really fucking irritating when it always makes you the new kid wherever you go.

by the time the first few classes were done and it was morning break, i was already fed up and wanting to go home, but i - of course - carried on, as school 'is important' or whatever.

"hey, y/n, have you decided what you're doing for your birthday yet? considering you're turning 16." y/bfs/n asked.

"i still have no idea, i've got to do like two or three more pieces of coursework before i can even think about my birthday!" i exaggerate.

"well, you've got about three more weeks to come up with something, otherwise you're stuck with nothing." they replied.

"got it." i say in an almost serious but joke-y tone.

as we walk onto the yard for break, i'm suddenly surrounded by around 20 people from the lower year groups.

"y/n, can we have auto-graphs please?"
one called out.

"i'm sorry, what?" i asked, confused.

"can we have auto-graphs please? you're kind of like a really good streamer and you know george and dream and everyone, so please?" said another, rather desperately.

"ok, ok, but i don't have any pens, so i'm gonna have to steal one for a sec." i say, a slight shake evident in my voice, appearing due to the amounts of people surrounding me.

i don't do well in crowds.

i signed a few books and pieces of paper before i was then totally overwhelmed, sensory overload kicking in and then i ran.

i know this is a shorter chapter, but i like to leave them on cliff-hangers of sorts, so there ya go <3


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