New room

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Becky sat in her carseat and just snored. She had fallen asleep in the car as her mom drove home.

Her mom had gotten a phone call and text that the delivery guys were done at the house and were waiting for her and Becky to come back home.

Her mom pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. She unbuckled a still sleeping Becky from the carseat and carried her into the house.

She placed her in her playpen and covered her with the blanket.

She went back out to the car and grabbed the groceries and set them in the kitchen.

The Delivery guys said they were done. She paid them each a 20 dollar tip and they went on their way.

She thanked her neighbor for being at the house as well.

Her neighbor asked

" Why the sudden change for Becky's room?"

Her mom replied

" Well I figured it would be more comfortable for Becky. She has been acting more like a baby soo.. I figured it would be time for a better environment."

Her neighbor said

" That's cool and interesting"

Her neighbor decided to head on home at that point.

Becky's mom closed the door and sat down on the couch waiting for Becky to wake up from her nap.


Becky woke up about an hour later in her playpen to hear PAW Patrol on the tv.

She sat up in her squishy pullups and watched the TV. She fidgeted in the wet pullups as it was getting uncomfortable more and more.

Her mom walked up to her playpen and said

" Aww did Becky have a nice nap?" as she lifted her out of the playpen

Becky rubbed her eyes saying

" Ywesth mommy " she yawned as well.

Her mom said

" Awww good sweetie "

Her mom felt her pullup saying

" Uh oh looks like someone left a present for mommy. "

Becky blushing bright red at that point but her loss of control was something she was getting use to.

" Let's go get you changed sweetie and check out your new room"

Becky was puzzled.... she already had a room....

Her mom carried her on her hip to her room.

Upon arriving at the door.... she noticed a big rainbow lettering of her name Becky on the door.

Her mom pushed the door open and carried Becky inside the room....

Becky was in utter silence and shock at what she saw.....

Her room had been transformed into a nursery. Gone was her PAW Patrol sheets and bed, gone was her massive toy chest.

Now what remained was a pink and blue crib against the wall. Her name still spelled out in lettering on the wall.

There was a changing table directly across from her crib that was fully stocked with diapers wipes powder creams and blankets.

There was a big comfortable chair in the corner near a lamp. There was also a short two shelf bookcase with multiple children's books on it.

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