Becky in Middle School

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Becky woke up the next morning still sweating from the dream she had the day before.

She prayed she wouldn't turn back into a baby. She was startled at the thought of wearing and using diapers again and having zero control over her life.

She got up from her bed and realised her room had changed again.

Her bed had gotten shorter and there was even a small couch chair in her bedroom. Her guitar had disappeared and several stuffed animals had hung in a net above her bed.

She saw a whiteboard on the wall opposite her bed that she used to write her activities for the week down on.

She got out of her bed and ran to the full length mirror and screamed...

She was wearing a training bra. Her chest was smaller just like when she was in middle school.

Her mom came running into the room

" Becky sweetie what's wrong?"

Becky looked at her mom saying

" Mom I got younger again Look I'm in a training bra "

Her mom smiled saying

" Aww yes sweetie my little girl is growing up " giving her a tap on her panties

Becky shouted

" Mom I'm supposed to be an adult not in a training bra.

Her mom smiled saying

" Aww don't worry sweetie you will be one day.  Now get dressed it's your first middle school dance tonight. I know you're excited about it "

Becky's mind exploded. She couldn't believe she was reliving her middle school years.

She got dressed in a pair of jeans and a camouflage sleeveless shirt and her converse shoes

She went to school that day going through the mundane classes of gym math home economics.

She sat at the lunch table by herself not wanting to talk to anyone.

Chris the boy she was supposed to go to the dance with came up to her very bashful and said

" H Hi Becky how are you "

Becky responded..

" Hi Chris " she blushed bright red.

Chris responded

" I'm very excited for the dance tonight "

Becky responded

" Yeah me too"

Becky figured that she should try and make the best of it.

Chris said

" Well well I'll see you tonight "

The day ended at school and Becky headed home. She got dressed for the dance. As she looked in the mirror she wept a little. She couldn't believe the dress she had had to wear. It was pink with flowers on it.

Her mom yelled from downstairs as the doorbell rang

" Becky sweetie Chris is here"

Becky said...

" Ok mom I'm coming "

She walked down the stairs and saw Chris standing with her mom in a suit and brown shoes.

Chris smiled saying

" W W Wow you look beautiful Becky"

Becky blushed saying

" Thank you"

Becky's mom got the kids into her car and drove them to the school for the dance.

Chris reached for Becky's hand in the backseat of the car and took her hand in his. Becky blushed and smiled.

They arrived at the school for the dance and Becky's mom said they would be back later to pick them up

The kids left the car and went into the gymnasium with all the other kids.

They danced and had some snacks.

Then a slow dance song came on and Chris led Becky to the dance floor and they slowly began dancing.

Becky then remembered this dance and her mind exploded...

" Oh God Chris kissed me at this dance"

Chris then leaned in and kissed Becky on her lips.

Becky blushed and smiled and returned the kiss.

Chris blushed equally red.

They then left the dance floor and went to meet Becky's mom as the dance was ending.

They got into the back of the car and Both Becky and Chris sat awkwardly in the backseat of the car.

Her mom didn't say anything to the children.

She saw the lip gloss on Chris's lips and knew what happened at the dance.

She was Happy Becky had her first kiss from a boy.

To Be continued...

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