Becky's Graduation

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Becky woke up the next morning seeing the sunlight come through her window. She sat up in her bed rubbing her eyes. She looked at the door and saw that her Blue and Purple Graduation gown and cap were hanging on the back of her door.

She was starting to worry..... Wait... I already graduated from high school. She looked over to her computer and didn't see her high school diploma above it.

She got up and looked at herself in the closet door mirror. She couldn't believe what she saw.

Her chest was half the size it had been last night. She also noticed her braces were back on her teeth. She hated that she had braces in high school. They made her seem like a nerd.

She also noticed that she was wearing a girls goodnights pullup. She had done that because she didn't want to take a break from studying to use the bathroom.

She thought to herself...

" Oh God what's going on here this isn't normal. "

Seconds later.... her mom knocked on her door saying...

" Hey my Big High school graduate." Becky went pale white as her mom opened the door.

Her mom looked at her daughter smiling..

" I can't believe you're going to be off to college soon" she said.

Becky freaked out yelling.


Her mom smiled and laughed saying

" Yes sweetie you do today and I've got lots of presents for you too"

She noticed her daughter in the goodnight and said

" I thought you stopped wetting the bed a long time ago. But you look adorable"

Becky blushing in front of her mom.

" Now come on we gotta get to your graduation on time Get a move on missy" her mom said.

Becky realized she didn't have a choice. She dressed herself in a pair of blue jeans her converse sneakers and a long sleeved shirt. She looked around her room seeing all the awards she had gotten in high school.

She remembered them but couldn't understand why they were back in her room.

She slipped the gown on over her head and went downstairs.

Her mom snapped photos of her coming down the stairs saying

" I can't believe my little girl is going to college. " She started to cry a little

Becky said..

" But mom I'm telling you I already graduated from college."

Her mom laughed...

" Sure sweetie maybe in 4 years."

Becky was blushing like crazy. She couldn't get her mom to believe her.

She didn't know what to do.

She got into her mom's car and they headed to the high school.

Once they arrived...

Her mom parked her  car and they both got out.

Becky said

" Mom you've got to believe me I already graduated from high school."

Her mom responded

" Now Becky listen I know you don't want to  leave your friends but Graduation is part of life. Now let's  go little missy " " You're going even if I have to drag you like a little girl "

Becky tried to run but her mom was faster. She grabbed her daughter's wrist and led her towards the high school stadium.

Becky didn't know what to do scream or cry

She started to sweat and cry a little as they got closer to the stadium.

Her mom walked her to the check in station and said to the woman behind the table

" Hi checking in Becky Jennings. "

The woman said noting Becky's tears...

" Room 10 for the last name of Jennings. Aww don't worry sweetie It's the first day of the rest of your life"

Becky said...

" Y Y You don't understand I've already been here and graduated. This is a mistake."

Her mom gave her a stern look and Becky kept quiet

The woman said

" Sure sweetie. "

She went to check in another student.

Her mom led her by the hand again...

" I can't believe you would act like a little girl in public." She said

She even gave her a little slap on her bottom saying

" Now behave or I'm taking your car from you."

Becky realized she had no choice.

She obeyed her mom and walked with her to the classroom.

Once she was inside the classroom...

She just sat on a couch in the corner wishing this nightmare was over.

A few minutes later all the students were led into the stadium by teachers as Graduation music played.

Becky was so freaked out she just wanted to evaporate into thin air.

She was startled when she heard her name

" Becky Jennings "

Becky got up slowly and walked towards the stage and she received her diploma from the principal.

As she walked down the ramp and back to her seat....

She couldn't believe why this was happening...

Why didn't her mom believe her?

She had to figure a way out of this...

She just had to before something worse happened to her.

To Be Continued....

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