Beckys Driving Test

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Becky woke up the next morning worried. She didn't know if she would ever get back to being an adult.

She got up and looked in the mirror and realized she was getting younger. Her chest was less curved and her breasts were getting smaller. She also saw some remnants of her acne that had plagued her during her junior year of high school.

She saw her room had changed a little. Gone were the posters of Justin Bieber and Eric Church. In there places were posters of Edward from Twilight and Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame.

She looked at her clothes she had slept in. They were a pair of pajama pants and a Team Edward t shirt.

She also saw her panties were just a plain pair of blue ones.

Upon seeing this reflection..

She screamed....

"MOM! COME QUICK. I GOT YOUNGER!!!" And she started to cry on her bed.

Her mom came in the room saying..

" Aww sweetie what's wrong? "

Becky replied through the sobs...

" I I got younger. I don't wanna be young anymore. I want to be an adult" she buried her head in her mom's shoulder crying.

Her mom said....

" Awww sweetie shh shh Shh it's going to be ok. She rubbed her back "You'll be an adult in no time."

Becky's sobs subsided and she rubbed her face and nose...

" I'm supposed to be one now mom and I don't know what is happening to me." She said.

Her mom replied

" You're just in a hurry to grow up sweetie. You should enjoy it being a kid. "

Becky wanted to cry more but realized it was pointless.

Her mom got up saying

"Cmon sweetie it's your big day today. Your driver's license test is at 9am so we gotta get going."

Becky questioned it saying

" But mom I already know how to drive." She reached for her purse and her wallet and opened it to find her school i.d. in place of her driver's license.

Her mom chuckled saying

" Now Now sweetie a learner's permit is not the same as a license."

Her mom left the room saying

" Down stairs in ten minutes. Your appointment is at 10am"

Becky was just lost and confused.

She already knew how to drive a car or at least she thought she did.

She threw on a pair of Jean's with her converse shoes with a red bra that considerably smaller than the one from her Graduation.

Once she was ready she went downstairs and her mom handed her a piece of avocado toast and a naked juice container.

Becky being hungry from her outburst chopped the toast down.

Her mom said

"Ok sweetie let's go ace this test. "

Becky lowered her head saying

" Yes mom"

They walked out of the house and Becky saw the same Volkswagen Jetta that she had driven in college in front of the house.

They got in the car and drove to the DMV office.

While driving Becky's mom reminded her of the rules of the road.

" Hands at 10 and 2 sweetie "

Becky groaned

" Yes mom"

Her mom replied saying

" I'm just reminding you sweetie."

Her mom asked..

" Becky are you ready to get your license?"

Becky responded

" Yes mom."

Her mom replied saying

" Good sweetie. And once you pass the test you can drive to target to buy your own goodnights"

Becky blushed deep red...

" Mom!?"

Becky usually made a trip a week to restock her supply of goodnights

They reached the DMV and parked the car. Becky took a deep breath as they walked inside the building.

She checked in and got her number and met her instructor near the car.

They both got in the car and went off for the test.

They got back to the DMV a few minutes later...

" Congratulations you passed your driving license test."

Becky was so happy although she remembered she had all ready done this.

They got back to the DMV and she informed her mom she passed the test.

Her mom hugged her saying she would take her for pizza.

They left the DMV and drove to target to get Becky's goodnights.

Once they were done. They went to get pizza.

Becky was still going through the events of the day in her mind.

She already had her license or so she thought it was in her wallet.

She couldn't believe she was only 16 now. A semi developed young girl who was almost done in high school.

She had to figure out a way to fix this.

She had a career to get started.

To Be Continued...

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