Chapter Twenty

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Poe Dameron, a well known Resistance pilot that recently abandoned his home due to getting heartbroken, stood before Rey with a baffled expression over his face. His hair was wet, droplets dangling and threatening to fall off. In his hands was a pile of wet clothes and cleaning supplies. She stood at him with her mouth wide open in shock before she straightened herself out. She crossed her arms and stared at him, not even attempting to hide her annoyance.

"Why-how are you here?" Poe questioned.

"I saw a cave entrance behind the waterfall and climbed in. It's not that secretive." Rey stated clearly. She took a step forward. "What I'm confused about is why you said you left this planet and here you are, hiding in a bloody cave! What in the stars were you thinking?"

Poe looked down bashfully. She heard him tap the stone floor with his boot as if to sooth himself. "We have a lot to talk about. Here, come down and I'll start the fire. It gets chilly."

He pushed past her and ran down the steps, Bee Bee Ate following behind as quickly as his body could. When they reached the bottom, she heard him whisper something to the droid but couldn't catch a word. Rey followed, letting out a deep breath every now and again to release the anger and annoyance she felt towards the pilot. When she reached the bottom of the staircase, Poe was hanging the wet clothes along a string to let them dry out. He glanced at her as he tied up his final sock.

"Here, sit down." He gestured to little chairs she hadn't noticed made of wood. He pointed to the ship. "Give me a moment."

Crossing her arms and legs, she glared at him while he rushed onto the ship. She heard noises as his loud boots slammed on the ground. A door shut and she could no longer here anything. She tapped her foot on the ground in annoyance. She studied the cave, noticing how he had made this such a little home. She wondered how long he had been there. The little droid rolled slowly over to her, catching her attention.

Rey bent down and rubbed his little head. "I missed you."

Bee Bee Ate turned his head to the side. "I missed you too!"

She smiled. She uncrossed her legs and fully face the orange and white robot. "How long have you two been here?"

"A while! Exactly seven days, fourteen hours and thirty minutes!" He beeped a response. She sighed. Poe had supposedly left the Resistance seven days ago.

"Have you just been in the cave the entire time?" Rey asked.

The droid moved his head to slide back and front as his little way of nodding. "Yes! Master told me not to question it so I didn't!"

"Huh, I see." She said as she leaned back in her chair. "Did he tell you not to contact the Resistance?"

Bee Bee Ate once again nodded. "Yes!"

She couldn't help but smile at the happiness the droid found in everything. Every question was answered enthusiastically. "What has Poe been doing?"

The happy face the droid put on quickly fell. "I'm not allowed to answer that."

Rey raised an eyebrow. "What? Why not-"

"So, Rey," Poe's voice boomed as he exited the ship and made a move to the wood. He gave a sharp look to Bee Bee Ate, who rolled away into the blue tent. He tossed wood onto the dying fire as well as a match. The flame grew large again as he settled into the chair beside her. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

"Yup." She said. Her anger diminished when talking to the droid but seeing him again relit the emotion.

He gestured to the cave in an acknowledgement of their loneliness. "Now's the time to ask."

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