Chapter Sixteen

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*warning - there is a detailed description of the wounds she received (burns, torn muscles, etc) and i understand that is disturbing to some so here is a brief warning. it's about a paragraph or so long, feel free to skip it if you need. take care of yourself!

Rey's body was doubled over as it leaned against a wall. Her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing staggered. Kylo glanced at her with horror, her injuries already making his heart beat in his ears.

She looked awful. Little cuts were dotted on her limbs along with dirt that had been forced onto her skin. Her hair was loose and a bit of it looked singed off. He took in a deep breath at the sight of her ear and shoulder. Her ear looked very burnt, the skin light pink with red sores oozing on the surface. Blood trickled down but that injury was nothing in comparison to the gaping hole on her shoulder. The skin looked fried, the black flesh crumbly and flaky. The wound itself was large and blood pumped out of it to the point that he could barely see the gruesome details. He could, however, see the red stained tip of a bone and the torn, pink muscles that were exposed to the air.

It was very grotesque, the sight of her open shoulder. It almost looked as if someone had turned it inside out, forcing the intimate workings of her body to be torn apart and on full display.

Kylo gulped at the sight of Rey so broken, so helpless. He silently pleaded to the Maker above that she didn't lose this arm because that possibility became more possible the longer he stared at her. Suddenly, he saw the traitorous stormtrooper flash into his vision. He held onto the side of her unarmed shoulder and lightly tapped her face to keep her conscious.

"Rey!" The man, who Kylo believed to be named Finn, shouted. "What are you doing?"

Kylo visibly tensed as he watched the encounter. Part of him was overwhelmingly grateful that someone there was trying to keep her awake and clearly cared for her immensely. The other part, the dark part, wanted to shove him off of her and claim Rey as his. He swallowed his pride and decided to let him deal with her for now and if it was evident he wouldn't be of assistance, Kylo would swoop in and save his bonded.

Rey's eyes flickered open, gazing up at the man who stood above her, completely unaware of Kylo. Her eyes were glazed over with fatigue and her body was mere seconds from shutting down. She raised a thin finger to him. As she spoke, her eyes slowly closed but her finger remained raised. "I just need a moment to rest..."

The man named Finn panicked even more. "You can't rest, Rey! Not yet! We are really close to medical and if we don't get you there soon, something bad could happen!"

Kylo watched as Rey drizzled away, Finn still rambling while trying to hoist her into his arms and he leapt from his seat.

"Rey!" His demanding voice shook as he ran to the two of them. He was merely a foot away when Finn began to run in some direction, his steps lagging at the weight of the unconscious girl he held. Kylo followed them and nearly outran the poor man.

Unconsciously, he reached his hand out to touch Rey, lifting her head in his hand. He ran, baffled for a moment as he could see the surroundings of Rey come to life and he saw what he assumed to be the medical ward at the end of the long hall they were in. Finn heard the buzz of the Force and jumped away once Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order, suddenly appeared before him. His eyes grew large and his mouth hung open in fear as he stopped in shock. Soon, the fear was replaced with white hot anger. He clutched Rey to his being and Kylo stepped closer to remain connected to his bonded.

"Don't touch her!" The man named Finn barked menacingly. "How are you here?! Go away!"

Kylo's anger level rose. He roared his response, "I'm here for Rey!"

My Love, My BondedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz