Chapter Thirty Six

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As the doors closed, Rey knew that it had marked the end of her life at the Resistance. A new era within her was born and she was terrified. She had felt the enormous life shift only once before, when she had met Han Solo, and now the life she loved had come to an end.

The urge to mourn over it's seemingly untimely death was strong, the tears already floating in the seams of her eyes. She would not allow those emotions to overcome. Her strength, she felt, must be complied into this new mission, this new life path. That chapter of her life was finished with and she must be prepared for the next. Even though it was riddled with uncertainty, Rey knew that she must learn to trust the process.

The elevator wait as they climbed each level was slow and torturous. No sound surrounded the stormtrooper and her except for the nearly silent rise of the machinery carrying them higher and higher. The trooper shifted, lowering the gun he had pointed at her. They both knew she wasn't escaping, she had even assumed he dropped the gun from her side when the doors had closed.

Rey glanced at the timer indicating their travel, noting that they were arriving in less than a minute. A part of her almost laughed now that she had time to think about the timer in general. It definitely was Kylo's touch, he always was very punctual.

A light noise echoed throughout the elevator as it came to a stop. Rey swallowed her breath as the anxious thoughts came rushing in, drowning out the positives. The doors opened.

The hallway it opened into was quiet and desolate, no soldiers were there. Instead, it stretched on for quite a while, with two black doors at the end of the corridor. The stormtrooper besides her nudged her forward and they began their silent march down the empty floor. The walls were sheer windows that showed the galaxy surrounding them, but it was just a bunch of stars. Rey didn't have time to admire what she had always seen when the double black doors came closer and closer. She could hear her shoes gentle squeak with each step and it made her queasy.

They stopped a few feet away from the entrance. The trooper bent and pressed his finger to the sleek black square mounted onto the wall.

"The scavenger is here, Supreme Leader." He announced into the intercom when some crackling sounded through.

A large buzzer sounded and the trooper pushed open the black door, indicating that Rey should step inside. When she did, she had to hold in her gasp.

The entire wall that she faced was a window that showed her the entire west side of the Outer Rim. Planets dotted everywhere the eye could see and moons floated aimlessly around each of them. The stars that danced around everything twinkled with such a sparkle, Rey could've sworn she had never seen them shine as they did there. She saw the storms swirl in the pits of some of the large, desert planets, the dust creating a dark pit. Part of her felt a bit of mourning for those on that planet but her eyes were not focused on that for long before the bright color of other planets grasped for her attention. The greenery that glowed from the overgrown planets shook her soul with wonder and admiration, she couldn't believe it was a true place. Her heart longed to be in the fluorescent green ecosystems, climbing through thick trees and sleeping in crowded meadows, soaking in the pure nature she had never experienced before.

The amount of curiosity that poured out of Rey from staring at that window caused her mind to stop working and forget where she was, not like she knew to begin with. She forced herself to tear her eyes away from the picture of raw beauty she was enamoured in and study her surroundings.

Leather, low couches crowded around a sleek wooden coffee table with matching end tables. A large holopad as well as two extremely tall bookshelves covered a wall, where all the furniture was pointed towards. She noted silently that the couch and tables didn't seem to get much use. Her eyes traveled left and she noticed the open doorway that lead to a kitchen. The floorplan didn't leave her wondering, as just past the wall she saw a dining room. The same wood was used to make the long and slender table but stiff black chairs covered the sides. A black chandelier fell from the ceiling, high enough to where it wouldn't block the view of others at the table but low enough to where the atmosphere was set. Rey glanced at the two place settings, on opposite sides, that laid neatly on the table.

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