Chapter Four

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Rey tossed the wrappings of her lunch in a bin outside of her private quarters. Her eyes scanned the hallways outside of her door, not knowing where to go but that she knew she had to leave her room. If she stayed in there any longer, her thoughts would be full with Ben Solo, which she wasn't necessarily against but knew she couldn't be wasting her time on him as of right now. Besides, she told herself that her feelings for the man were practically nonexistent.

She tapped her tongue against the roof of her mouth before turning abruptly left. She weaved her body down the long corridor, smiling and waving at those she knew when she passed by. The tan walls in the inside of the Resistance base were slightly dirty with green vines dangling wildly from the roof above them. They clung upon the walls and snuck themselves into every crook and cranny. The floor beneath her feet was concrete, greenery popping out in the corners. Some might be bothered by the rustic interior but Rey was thankful for anything besides sand. She found the vines beautiful and haunting in a way.

To the right, a large, wooden door sat embedded in the wall. Rey stopped before it and gave it a gentle knock, hoping to speak to the person inside.

The door crept open, a small woman standing behind it, standing straight with authority. Her face was hardened from years in the Resistance but her soft features made her look much more approachable, though no one would recommend underestimating her. Her gray hair was pulled back, away from her face in some extravagant braids combined into a bun. Rey's face lit up with joy at the sight of her. The woman let a small smile grace her face as she opened up her hands, accepting the Jedi before her.

"Oh, Rey," the woman began, her arms still surrounding Rey. "I have been eager to talk to you."

"General, you have no idea how desperate I've been to talk with you again." Rey held on to Leia a little tighter. Leia squeezed her back and leaned away, the smile still remaining on her face.

"Come in, dear. We have much to discuss." She said, closing the door behind Rey after she entered.

Her room was simple and modest despite being the head of their organization. Her bed held simple tan sheets with a gray comforter. The furniture in her room, which was limited to a table, desk and bedside table, was a dark wood. Beautiful light illuminated the room from the gentle lamps scattered about her personal quarters.

The only advantage Leia had was the beautiful window. It showed most of the planet from there, the thick vines surrounding the billowingly trees as the grass was as tall as Bee Bee Ate. Mountains stood strongly behind the trees, asserting their dominance over the rest of nature. Flowers peppered the ground lightly, a stunning yellow coming from the petals. It made Rey take a moment and admire the planet they were on, knowing that she had to take time to train out there soon.

"Here, sit, sit," Leia encouraged, patting on a wooden chair.

She bustled around her room, opening up a cabinet Rey hadn't noticed and pulling out a little teapot. She struck a match and let the blaze consume a small pile of twigs in a little metal container. Placing a flat lid on top of it, she used it like a miniature stove Rey had seen in the cafeteria. She set out tea cups before turning her attention to the girl before her, settling in the chair across from her.

"How have you been since the battle?" Her sweet voice filled the room and it gave the young scavenger a sense of peace.

Rey released a sigh she didn't know she was holding. "I've been alright. How about you?"

She shrugged. "Fine, I suppose." She looked down at the floor. As if instinctually, Rey gently peered into her mind to see the trouble that plagued her. Leia's mind was consumed with thoughts of her newly deceased brother. She shook her head to push her out of her head, sensing Rey's presence in her brain but not upset at her for looking.

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