Chapter Two

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Sunlight crept into Rey's bedroom, creating beautiful golden lines on her floor from the blinds that separated it's intense light. The warm air in her room was thick with drowsiness. She forced her eyes open, rubbing the sleepiness out of them as the blankets on her bed became heavier. A yawn escaped her lips.

There was no part of Rey that wanted to get up and start the day that awaited her. She wanted to stay in her quarters and sleep, letting her worries and stress drizzle away with every passing minute. She rolled over in bed and shut her eyes. She tried to enter sleep again but suddenly became aware of the dirt build up in her hair. In Jakku, she would go days, weeks and one time even months before a shower and the dirt in her hair hadn't bothered her then. Now, it was very noticeable and her body begged her to shower.

She let massive groans escape her as she hauled her feet over the edge of the bed. Her feet made contact with the cold, concrete floor and she gasped at the harshness of it. She had been anticipating warmth since the sun radiated it but the floors betrayed her wish. She stood up, shaking her limbs awake as she forced her way into her bathroom.

When she flicked the light on, Rey caught a glimpse of her appearance in the mirror and was thankful that she had access to a bathroom where others wouldn't have to see what she looked like prior to a shower.

Water began to pour from the top of the shower head, little streams growing more intense as the water adjusted to the heat she had requested from turning the silver knob at the bottom. She peeled the brown robe off of her and let it surround her feet. She glimpsed at herself in the mirror and studied her body.

Bruises and cuts were scattered on her skin and she was having a hard time remembering where she had gotten each one. She did not know if these bruises and cuts came from the battle many days ago or the intense training she was forcing herself into. She had no memory of these pains last night but then again, her body was so overwhelmed with fatigue, she could've done a lot more that night and forgotten entirely.

One particular bruise on her arm was shining yellow and green, the skin slightly swollen as three deep, little cuts lay oozing in the center. She examined it carefully, poking and prodding at her damaged skin. It was sore and stung when she directly touched the cuts. She knew she should go down to medical after she was down freshening up. She turned around and looked at her backside as she had felt a sharp pain when she awoke.

Stretching from just underneath her bottom to beneath her knee, a fresh cut lay. It was a cut she must've gotten yesterday that had been sealed with her blood caked around it as it fell onto the floor in dry flakes. New blood, bright in color, seeped from it and she groaned knowing she would have to get this taken care of though she seriously doubted it required stitches.

Rey stepped into the shower, the thought of nurses touching her body made her uncomfortable even though she knew it was for her own benefit. She wasn't used to people making physical contact with her. In Jakku, every man or woman was for themselves and by touching them, it was like challenging them to fight for their place in this universe. She slowly had become accustomed with friends laying a gentle hand on her shoulder or a brief hug but anything more made her recoil away with disgust, even though she cared deeply for them.

She pushed away those thoughts and dunked her head in the water, the warm fluid matting her hair to her head. She took the time to scrub at her body, being gentle with her wounds but still taking the dirt from within. The soap stung her cuts and she sucked in her breath while dealing with it. Quickly, she finished up her shower.

Once completed, she lazily put her hair in loose braids to contain it while it was wet. She put on clothes, a tan tunic with pants and arm wraps to match and headed out of her room, the cafeteria as her destination.

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