Chapter Seventeen

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Kylo racked his brain to precisely remember the method of healing someone. He knew that it could work wonders for her since they were bonded together by the Force, making it more permanent. His brain sparked with knowledge and he got to work. He quickly thought of all of the extensive emotions Rey brought forth within him and within every exchange they had.

Joy. Anger. Warmth. Cold. Smiles. Sadness. Curiosity. Wonder. Friendship. Loneliness. Romance.


Soon, he began to search his memories of Rey to try and find the most uplifting one. He thought of the time he interrogated her, how she had pierced through his mind block without even lifting a finger. He thought of their battles, specifically the one where the snow was falling gracefully around her, making her look enchantingly beautiful.

He thought of the times they had connected before. He remembered the one in the hut so vividly it felt as if it was playing before him like a movie. Their hands touched together, his fingerprints just grazing hers as he saw the fire illuminate before him. Her small figure was wrapped loosely in a blanket and tears fell from her face as she thought of the emotions he experienced as a young, betrayed boy and the emotions she felt after wandering into the darkness of Ahch-To. The soft way the words fell from her lips as she reassured him that he was not alone.

He thought of the throne room and how the idea of life without her was so miserable that he killed his master, the only man that had coaxed him into acknowledging and using his power. His mind raced to how they fought so actively together, working as one unit to defend each other. She fought for him just as he had fought for her. He thought of his hand that he had offered her but brushed the thought away within an instant.

Kylo thought of the time she begged him to be her teacher and help her understand the Jedi texts. Rey's pouty lips frowned when he thought and he couldn't help himself when he agreed. Her eyes lit up and he felt a fire in his stomach at the sight. She had sauntered off happily and he watched in admiration.

He thought of the time in her room when she soothed his raging emotions. The waves of hurt and loss he felt and she willingly lowered them. She fought them until he felt better. She selflessly chose his joy over her pain. He thought of her forehead pressed against his, her small hands holding onto his large arms. That breathy laugh of hers filled his ears and he could feel her grin through the bond. A small smile threatened to bend his lips in this moment but he chose to ignore it.

He zoned in on that memory, admiring the beauty of Rey. He focused on her and slowly started to imagine a strong tree. It was tall and powerful, the energy coursing through it. There was no doubt that it resembled his bonded, his Rey.

The roots at the bottom began to sizzle and burn, the frayed bits catching aflame. He imagined himself going over to it and healing the tree. He lifted a gloved hand to mend the wood to which the plant recoiled away in fear. Kylo was shocked. He reached out again and the tree hissed at him. His insecurities rushed to the forefront of his mind.

A creature in a mask...

A boy hiding behind a mask!

He sucked in a deep breath. His anger level rose and he swallowed to keep it at bay. Quickly, he yanked the leather glove off of his pale hand and got back to work mending the tree. This time, it did not recoil away.

The wood was frozen and for a moment, Kylo was afraid that he had unintentionally broken it. His eyes grew large and he held his breath in anticipation.

Slowly, the injured wood began to heal. It twisted itself together with the other pieces and they weaved an intricate pattern. The roots shoved their way gently into the ground. The leaves at the top danced lightly at the sensation of the tree rebuilding itself.

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