Chapter Fourteen

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Rey shouted a goodbye at the large, engineering Wookiee. She quickly weaved her way around the halls and made it to her room with more anxiety and excitement than when she left. The halt in her hand was heavy with the same emotions.

She sucked in a deep breath as she picked up the little poach that had the kyber crystal pieces. This was the part she was nervous for as she did not know if it would work with broken pieces.

It wouldn't hurt to try.

Rey thought to herself as she carefully dumped the pieces on the floor after sitting down. She opened up the small compartment in the halt and began to arrange the crystal pieces in there. The blue light radiating off of them was beautiful and intoxicated her completely.

With much time and careful precision, she had fit each little piece into it. Some wiggled their way in and others needed to be lightly forced in their respected spots. She had examined each piece, taking note of the jagged edges that matched the other broken ones. She was putting together a puzzle and she was determined to finish it.

After a while, the kyber crystal was completed and a wave of satisfaction filled her. It fit perfectly within the compartment, as it was made to the crystals size, and all that could be seen was the subtle cracks from where it nearly shattered.

Excitement flooded within her as she shut the little door and examined the fixed weapon. She smiled widely at the sight. She wasted no time and sprinted to the training field so she could ignite the saber. Some people gave her strange looks but she didn't care. Nothing could tear her down from the massive high she was feeling.

A few people were training in there but none stopped to pay attention to Rey. She paid them no notice; she had fixed the legendary lightsaber! She held it in her hands with confidence as she stretched it out. Her finger hovered over the button that sparked this weapon to life. She pressed it.

The blue flash of light buzzed out from the top of the halt. Her eyes grew with excitement and she let out a cry of joy. She waved it around and instantly became giddy when it remained lit. She began to take her body through the fighting stances with it, feeling so overwhelmed with joy at it working.

Quickly, Rey felt eyes staring her down. Whispers and words of excitement and wonder were quietly spoken by the members training in the room with her. Others joined in, filing in from the halls to watch the young Jedi.

Rey stopped for a moment after hearing Rose and Finn's voices talk actively in the crowd. When she saw the amount of people, she felt a wave of embarrassment and pride. They all were there, snuggled together closely, to watch her and her new toy. A blush covered her face, stretching from ear to ear and she bit her lip to hide it.

Rey examined the large group of people until she saw Rose's bright smile through the heads. 

"Rose! Finn!" Rey cried.

Her friends scooted closer to see her wildly waving at them. Rey went closer to them and held out her new lightsaber. She gave them a wicked grin.

"Oh, Rey!" Rose exclaimed, her hands going to her face in the moment of awe. She gave a small jump of joy. "You looked breathtaking out there!"

Finn held a goofy grin on his face. He looked down to admire Rose and her happiness for Rey before he looked up at her. He threw his arm around his girl's shoulders as he spoke Rey's praises, never forgetting to acknowledge her. "Congratulations! It looked great!"

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