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Bailey POV

A guard held her firmly by the arm as she was dragged back into Altura behind Estes. They reached the community building where there was a line of people going through an old metal detector like you did at the airport. All around were signs marking the building as a polling station and signs of 'Safety First Vote Safety.' 'Vote Sanity' and 'Humans First' were hung. There were more guards with guns while one guard had a scanner and was checking people by their face ID after they'd step through the metal detector. It went by person by person until the scanner let out a low beep.

"Traitor!" One guard shouted and stepped forward as the man raised his hands. He was shot in the head before he could get out a single word and Bailey couldn't help but let out a shocked and horrified little 'yelp' at how quickly they'd killed that man.

"Altura's new security." Estes said smiling and walking over to where she'd stopped and was staring at the man on the ground as his head bled and they left him dead on the cement as they continued scanning people.

"Traitors are now shot on sight." Estes continued, "Don't worry though, you're with me. Killing you now would be a waste. I have other plans in mind." And with that he continued into the building and she was shoved along.

-Undisclosed Location –

Third Person POV

One by one the Talkers were shoved onto the two yellow school buses by the guards Estes had stationed there.

"I'm going! Take it easy." Murphy grumbled as he was shoved by a guard into line, "You know you guys need to watch out for these Talkers, they get a little if-y when they're hungry. How long is this ride? Hey stewardess, will there be bizkits?"

Then his complaining was cut off as he was pushed to the bus door and noticed that the wheels on all the buses had been taken off. When he stepped inside it got even stranger.

"Where's the driver? Hey!" he shouted as the door closed behind him, "You can't just lock us in here! They're going feral!"

Then he turned and saw all the Talkers moving to one side of the bus clawing at the windows desperate for the brains inside the guards' skulls. Murphy raised his hands and focused and soon all the Talkers sat calmly back down on both busses.

"Hey what's going on?" one guard asked another.

"Yeah, why'd they shut up?"

Then Murphy took the driver's seat, smiled and waved out the window where he knew Addy would see him.

-Altura -

Once Citizen Z, George and Warren had infiltrated Altura he headed off to find Kaya while the others put their plan into action. He carefully wove through the hallways of one of the lower floors of the community center with his gun drawn ready to shoot if he absolutely had to. At the end of one hall was a vending machine for soda that Kaya had told him to meet her at.

"Kaya?" he whispered, "Kaya?"

Then there was a small squeak and the front of the vending machine moved just a bit. He walked over and opened it and saw that the back of the machine was missing and the wall behind it had been carved out and there sat Kaya in the glow of her laptop.

"Come to mama." She smiled as he climbed in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey babe." He said giving her a kiss.

"Did ya get it?"

"Yeah." He said pulling out a thumb drive, "Computer keys to the kingdom. Every password and key in the network."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now