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                     Hannibal, Missouri

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" Doc asked when they stopped for their next bathroom break, parking next to a sign that said 'Kansas City 87 Miles'. They were all gathered in the back of the truck watching Murphy who had his back turned to them while he stood off in a field doing his thing. Bailey was sitting on the roof of the truck since the bed was so crowded. Add, who was standing in the bed in front of her, had even been kind enough to give her a few extra squares of toilet paper so she could clean the blood splatters from her dark yellow leather jacket.

"I know, he's looking worse." Garnett said leaning against the tailgate in front of where 10K was sitting as Bailey pulled her white framed Ray Bans down off her head to cover her eyes from the harsh sun.

"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." Warren agreed.

"Come on guys, give him a break." Addy said, "It's the apocalypse, none of us look our best. You know, it's like one long bad hair day."

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Mack added from behind his aviators.

"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo." Cassandra suggested.

"Maybe the vaccine isn't working." 10K said plainly, saying what everyone was thinking.

"Bailey?" Addy asked turning to her, "Any thoughts?"

Bailey thought back to when she had seen Murphy in the bathroom, easily pulling out his hair by the root and how his bites had been turning that blue-grey. Then she brought a hand to her throat pretending to fix the collar of her shirt as she remembered how nervous and desperate Murphy had become when he thought she'd tell. She knew she could handle Murphy, she wasn't afraid of him, but still she didn't want to see what he'd do when he was really pissed off.

"Murphy's always looked weird to me." She said simply, shrugging off the question. Then she saw Murphy turn as he noticed them all staring at him, some of them looked away while others continued to stare.

"What do you think Doc?" Garnett asked.

"I've seen Z's look better than him."

"Will he make it to California?"

"If we haul ass."

"If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down."

"Dibs on piking him." Warren said jumping at the idea which made Bailey smile.

"If he turns, piking him is the least of our problems." Garnett finished before calling to Murphy, "Pit stops over, let's get moving."

"I have a ginormous bladder. Sue me." Murphy replied as he returned to the truck.

"Man, I sure could use some of them Kansas City barbecue ribs right about now." Doc said as he climbed back into the truck. They'd split the food from Warren's house between them and that couple but with so many people in their group the food went fast and now they hadn't eaten in two days. Bailey had been at war with her stomach which had now switched over from always growling to now making her feel nauseous from not eating. Garnett was hoping they'd find some hospitality at Province Town, it was a camp run by one of his old National Guard buddies and he thought maybe they could get some food, maybe even a shower there, she desperately hoped so.

Bailey hopped off the roof and back into the bed as they started to head down the road again and 10K took her place setting up his rifle in case of Z's. He didn't have to wait long before they came across some on the side of the road. One was actually holding the severed head of another. 10K easily took them both out and added to his count.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ