S3E05: Part 2

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S3E05: Part 2

Murphy POV

He went over to the blue safe he kept in the lab and turned the dial. He immediately grabbed a rack with at least a dozen tubes filled with the same yellow tinted vaccine Merch had created.

'Without it you'll end up like Patient Zero in that lab in Colorado.' Her words haunted him.

"Fine." He said looking at the vials, "I'm fine."

Then he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror and noticed his skin was changing. He tugged on the sleeves of his shirt and saw it on his arms too. Patches of pale human skin popping up, taking over the blue; he looked back at the vials, picked one up and stared at the liquid.

"Control of a human. . . power of a Z. That's me. That's my legacy. I need to make more booster for me and more vaccine for them to finish the plan. Bring it to completion. If I have to do it myself I have to do it myself. What else is new?" he asked then turned too quickly and got dizzy.

"It's low blood sugar." He said trying to convince himself, "You better eat something Alvin. Got to take care of yourself, people counting on you."

He passed by Merch and tried to ignore how delicious her brain looked before he went to his table full of strawberries, apples and blueberry pie.

"You were close." He said to Merch, "I know you were. Ten thousand doses in just a few more steps." He said grabbing her journal from the table and flipping through it. "No. No. Maybe you just add water? That's not it. That's not it, no. No. No. What the hell is dsRNA? Or IFNRA2? How exactly does the pumpkin seed looking thing connect to the Pac Man looking T-Cell thing? And what in the name of all that is holy is cytokine or MAP kinesis?" he threw the journal down and picked up his fork again and looked over to Merch.

Bailey POV

"Listen." 10K said turning to her after taking his shirt off hesitating to inject himself, "When I do this, the reaction it causes it. . . it isn't pretty. But just, let it happen okay?" he asked nervously and she nodded not taking her eyes off his, the dark circles around them had only been getting darker since she'd found him by the river. "Back up." He said and she scootched back on the bed though now she had twice the worry on her face. 10K took a deep breath and looked down at his arm and the injector hovering over it in his hand.

Then he brought the needle down.

Immediately his body tensed up and he fell back onto the bed. Bailey wanted to jump forward and help him any way she could but then remembered he'd told her not to and she stayed put. She saw the veins in his neck as he started to make choking sounds and began to foam at the mouth, his body twitched and spasmed like he was having a seizure and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Bailey looked away not being able to just sit by and not do a thing but watch. It wasn't until she'd stopped hearing him groan and felt the mattress under her go still that she looked back to find him passed out. When it looked like it was over she moved to his side and put his head in her lap. She didn't know what more she could do so she brushed her fingers through his hair and ran her thumb across his cheek and waited for him to wake up.

She couldn't help but let her eyes scan over his body again taking in all his injuries. The bullet wound was patched but he still had so many scratches and cuts and bruises. Each angry red line only made her concern for him grow but it also fueled the hate she still had for Murphy. This was all his fault, hadn't 10K suffered enough? Now he had to deal with the blue devil trying to turn him into a slave, taking away his free will, taking away 10K's own control of his body and his mind. She remembered what Vasquez had told her and part of her wished she could talk to him now. Should she give up her mission for revenge now that 10K was alive? Did she no longer have a reason for revenge, or had the reason just changed? If Vasquez had discovered that Hector had faked the death of his wife and daughter would he have been able to let him live and not feel empty like he'd told her he felt? Or since Hector had been such a monster back then would killing him still have been the right thing to do? Murphy was out there creating more blends and all those people thought Murphy was helping them out of the goodness of his heart. She almost scoffed, Murphy didn't have a heart, and if he did it was only filled with concern for himself. If he really wanted to save everyone by turning them into blends he'd cure them and let them go on their way, go off and live their lives. Not tell them to stay with him, tell them to defend him, build him a new world to rule. Then 10K's head moved in her lap and he took a deep breath and coughed before he opened his eyes and looked around seeming groggy.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ