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Bailey woke up the next day in the back of the RV, it seemed Warren had just gotten up too as she asked where they were.

"About one hundred miles north of Flagstaff, I'm thinking." Addy answered as she fiddled with some electrical equipment on the floor with 10K.

"I dunno how much longer this old bucket of bolts is gonna keep running." Doc called from the drivers seat in a knit cap made to look like it had an alien antennae sticking out of the top, he must have picked it up in Rozwell.

"Talking about yourself or the rig?" Addy joked with a smile and Doc chuckled.

"Both." He said, "I think we're getting near the Grand Canyon."

"I went there once when I was a kid." Murphy mumbled from a bunk above the drivers seat. "It was beautiful." He said then noticed he was getting strange looks from the rest of them, "What? Can't believe I was a kid once?" he asked which he got no response. 10K then looked over his shoulder at Bailey and saw she had woken up.

"Hey." He said smiling and scooting over to her, leaning in so they could share a quick kiss. "Morning Sleeping Beauty."

"Oh please don't make that comparison." Bailey said sitting up on her elbow and rubbing her eyes.

"Why not?" he chuckled.

"Did you ever even see that movie?"

"Bailey you know me, it's better to assume I didn't see anything related to movies or TV." 10K replied leaning his back on the side of the mattress and bringing up one leg to rest his elbow on his knee.

"Basically, she's one of the few princesses who did nothing and still got a happy ending." Bailey explained to him.

"She's right." Addy chimed in, though she didn't take her eyes from her work, "The fairies and the prince did all the work. . . and not to mention the original story is actually pretty twisted."

"Addy there's enough bad things in the world, please don't take my innocent childhood from me too." Bailey begged making both Addy and 10K chuckle.

"We need some recon, how's that radio coming?" Warren called from the passenger seat.

"About to find out." Addy replied, giving 10K the go ahead and he moved and stood on the mattress and Bailey sat up and moved out of his way. He took Addy's homemade antennae and held it out of a hatch in the roof of the RV trying to get some reception.

"Northern Light. Northern Light, do you copy?" Addy spoke into the receiver, "Northern Light, this is Delta X-ray Delta. Do you copy?"

"When was the last time you talked to that guy anyway?" Murphy asked, "Probably isn't even alive anymore."

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning." Vasquez said as he woke up to Murphy's complaining.

"We don't need the negativity Murphy." Bailey scolded in agreement with Vasquez.

"Well excuse me princess. That's what happens when you haven't had a descent cup of coffee in half a decade." Murphy grumbled putting his hand behind his head.

"Citizen Z, this is your old pal, Addison Carver. Do you copy? Citizen Z do you copy? Citizen Z I know you're out there. It's me Addy do you read me? Citizen Z keep reaching out, do you copy? Come on Citizen Z I know you're out there you gotta be, do you read me?"

"Addy. Addy, I hear you. I copy you. It's me Citizen Z."

"Ha!" Addy squealed with joy,

"Man, it's great to hear your voice."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now