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They kept walking down the dirt road until they came across the van Dante had driven through the gate of Altura. It looked abandoned now and had the back door flung open. Bailey took her gun out and surveyed the area in case whoever had ambushed Dante was still around waiting for more victims. 10K drew his rifle, resting the end on his stump and checked out the vehicle but there was no one inside. He looked down at the dirt and saw footprints and wondered if Doc and Warren had been there.

"10K." he heard Bailey call him and turned to see her looking up over the hill where there was some kind of gallows looking structure. They went to investigate and saw three thick posts made of half nailed together wood with some kind of metal cones over them like on an electric chair. They didn't see any body's but looking in the distance they did see three graves, whoever had been up there had been found and someone had been kind enough to bury them. There were three crosses also made from the old wood and whoever had buried the dead had carved their names into the crosses. It had to be Doc and Warren, 10K thought, George was traveling with them and only she would know the names of the Talkers.

He heard a muffled sob and turned to see Bailey looking at one grave in particular bringing a hand to cover her mouth before she sobbed again and fell to her knees in the dirt. The grave she was in front of was marked 'Carlos' and 10K put his only hand on her shoulder and started rubbing her back a little in comfort as she cried at his feet. She must have known him, he thought, Bailey had been living in Altura much longer than he had, she had made friends there with both humans and Talkers. She must have known Carlos, it could have even been that Talker she helped free back at the infirmary, he wondered. Either way, he felt bad she was hurting.

Then he heard snarling and quickly turned to see a zombie right behind them. He quickly grabbed a plank of wood with his one hand and using his stump to help balance it he whacked the Z in the head knocking it over, then he smashed the end of the plank into its head twice giving it mercy.

"8,609." He counted throwing the wood aside and turning to Bailey who was still crouched on the ground, now looking over her shoulder at him. It looked like she'd been reaching for her knife before she froze and realized it was still jammed in the roof of that truck. Then her gaze moved down and she quickly stood and walked toward him taking his injured arm. The stitches looked irritated from the wood rubbing against them as he killed the zombie and he quickly pulled his arm out of Bailey's grip.

"I'm fine." He said taking a navy bandana from his pocket, the handkerchief Red had wrapped around his stump was still stuffed in the leather cuff he'd lost in the truck. Quickly, he covered his wrist and tied the corners of the bandana with his teeth. She looked a little hurt that he'd rejected her help but then her expression became confused and she tilted her head and walked past him. He followed her and saw what she was looking at, on another piece of wood someone had spray painted some kind of sun with three pointed rays coming out of it. Bailey rubbed her fingers against it but no paint came off telling them that the symbol had been put there a while ago. Still, that didn't stop them from continuing down the road looking for anymore markings.

Murphy POV

After Wesson had brought him to Limbo the patrons there had welcomed him like the superior leader he knew he was. They gave him the best set up and treated him like a king. Limbo was like a strip club slash bar slash casino dowsed in red light as people of all species, blends, Talkers, humans you name it all flowed in to get drunk and have a good time. The last person he thought he'd ever see there was Warren but at this point should he really be surprised?

He showed her where he hid some Talkers who had been fleeing Altura. He told her someone had been dropping them off at his doorstep almost daily. She asked if he knew who it was but he had no idea. He took Warren and her small brigade and ended up going upstairs to wait for the Talker delivery service to show up. Thankfully there was another bar there even if it lacked the nicer things like neon signs and lighting but it did have glasses and liquor and that's what was important.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon