S5E02: Part 8

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Warning: Girl talk in this chapter (but not the whole chapter) I'm also not good at girl talk so I apologize for any awkwardness but in the end I needed the bonding moment. 

Also since this chapter is kind of short I'm thinking of posting a second update this week, maybe tomorrow or the next day, but what do you guys think?

S5E02: Part 8

Red and Bailey continued to follow the signs for Newmerica but unless they found a working vehicle it would still take them weeks to get there. As night was starting to fall they found a huge truck on the on-ramp at the next highway. It was one of those that carried almost a dozen cars on it and it looked like it had been taking some brand new ones to a dealership. The ones on the bottom had already been hotwired and stolen by survivors probably in need of a ride but the ones on top were still secured to the truck.

"Yeah, that'll do." Red said and Bailey agreed as they both walked to the front of the truck and hopped up on the hood, then the roof, then climbed into the first car on the rack. They leaned the seats back and gazed through the sunroof as the stars started to dot the night sky. Red pulled something out of her bag and Bailey was shocked she hadn't noticed Red stash it on their last supply run. A bottle of wine. Bailey chuckled as her friend also pulled out a sleeve of red solo cups and passed one to her.

"What if zombies show up?" she asked, "Shouldn't we stay sober?"

"It's just wine, and we won't drink that much." Red said as she popped the cork, "Besides only an idiot or a person with a death wish would get drunk in the middle of nowhere in the apocalypse."

As they sipped their wine and talked the conversation started to turn to Tommy yet again. She and Red had grown so close these past couple months that it wasn't awkward anymore to talk about him, if anything it made Bailey feel like the world was normal again and she was just hanging out with a friend on the weekend gossiping about boys.

"When you last saw Tommy. . ." she began shyly, "How was he?"

"How do you mean?" Red asked taking another sip of her wine.

"Was he happy?" she clarified and Red looked at her from over the rim of her cup, and Bailey shrugged as she explained, "He's such a good person, he deserves to be happy."

Red pulled the cup away from her face, swallowed and nodded, "Yes he was happy." Then she chuckled, "He was sitting around with Doc laughing like the good old days."

That brought a smile to Bailey's face, "Good. . . good." She said sipping her own drink.

"Bailey?" Red spoke up and she turned to her, "Tommy never forgot about you. I'd hate for you to think that he somehow replaced you with me, because he didn't. You still have a place in his heart, even if he thinks you're dead."

She hesitated for a minute, she knew Tommy wouldn't replace her but she'd been glad he'd moved on enough to be happy. And she was grateful that Red cared enough about her feelings that she wanted to make that all clear.

"Thanks Red." She muttered before looking back at the stars above them. Red's little chuckle made her turn back and look at the girl who had a small smile on her face.

"You know. . . when things started to get romantic between us. . . he was so awkward about it. There was so much he was shy about."

Bailey chuckled now too, "Yeah, Tommy takes time to come out of his shell, especially when it comes to relationship stuff. Give him a horde of zombies he handles it no problem, give him a woman and he's clueless – and he knows it."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon