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Extra chapter this week because ishh_bish left a super sweet note on my profile that just brightened my day and I wanted to keep spreading a positive vibe! Enjoy the chapter!


Third Person POV

"And let's see, without Warren that leaves Ray here without a partner. And unfortunately, I don't like to leave things uneven, so –" Estes raised his gun.

"I'll go with him!" Kaya shouted standing tall despite her injury, though the bleeding seemed to have slowed down. It looked like she wasn't as hurt as Addy had been, no major arteries hit by the bullet.

Estes turned to her with a quirked brow, "And leave poor Tommy alone?"

"I'll sit with him." Bailey offered knowing Addy was in Red's capable hands.

Estes paused clearly thinking it over then he let out a long breath and smiled, "Well what kind of monster would I be if I didn't let a hubby and his wifey share some time together before they met their end?"

He tilted his head to 10K and Bailey slowly got up and walked over to him as Kaya joined Ray. Bailey kept her eyes on Estes wanting to make sure this wasn't some sort of trick. Once she passed him her attention went to the henchmen who were closest to her. Most of them were busy standing over others sitting on the floor intimidating them and feeding their egos with their fearful looks. One wasn't, she noticed, he stood tall and his deep set eyes looked around the room almost like they were analyzing everything around them. She had to fight to keep her eyes from widening and put her head down as she made it across the room to Tommy.

When she reached him he quickly wrapped his arms around her and she returned his hug just as fiercely. They hadn't been near each other in hours, the last time Addy had been bleeding to death, but now she could let herself fall apart a little, she could let his strong arms around her hold her up while she crumbled. He sat down taking her with him as she leaned into his torso with her chest against his as she clung to him and memorized everything she could about him. How he smelled, how he felt, the beating of his heart under her head. The feel of his cheek resting on her, the occasional peck of his lips against her temple. She held onto him tighter never wanting to let go but knowing at some point Estes would have them pulled apart again.

Tommy rubbed her back as they tried to take some pleasure out of the situation and be happy they – at the very least – were beside each other again. With her free hand she reached down and grabbed his hand that had stopped by her hip, and she laced their fingers together. Never had just simply holding his hand felt so good. He gave her a reassuring squeeze as she nestled her head into his shoulder and peeking up over Tommy's back she looked across the room at the goon who was now looking at her with eyes she'd recognize anywhere.

"I wish this was all over." Tommy whispered next to her ear, "I wish you and I were back at home. I want to just be lying in bed. . . holding you."

"You know what I wish?" she replied softly, "I wish the Man was here right now."

Tommy shifted and looked down at her with confusion but she kept looking across the room at the goon who had returned his gaze to Estes and the others.

"He'd probably be able to take down Estes and all his lackeys without breaking a sweat." She turned her body and looked up at Tommy seriously, "Too bad he died when Addy pushed him off that cliff."

Tommy's confusion only grew. He knew Bailey knew the Man hadn't died on the cliff. The Man had been the one to tell her about Mount Casey, Bailey had told him the story, how the Man trailed her across the country until taking her to Zona. She knew he survived, so what was she talking abou- . He noticed where her eyes drifted to and followed her gaze over his shoulder to one of Estes' men, then it all clicked. The gunman's build was too familiar, his eyes the same stone cold they had been each time Tommy had seen him before. His head snapped back to Bailey who was now looking at him, her eyes pleading that he'd picked up what she'd been trying to tell him.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now