S6E10: Part 2

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S6E10: Part 2

Warren POV

She ran into the large building that held their offices, Sun Mei's lab, the infirmary and the room she'd left her detainees. Most, if not all, of their available guards had gone to help with the shooter leaving the building nerve-rackingly unguarded. If anyone wanted anything from that building, like freeing the two men she had, stealing Sun Mei's research, anything, the building was now vulnerable and it would be the best time to take what they wanted. She hoped this wasn't in relation to their two missing AWOL soldiers but something in her gut told her it was exactly that.

She sprinted faster through the halls making the turns sharp and quick until she came to the room where her men had been. Now she found another man, who she recognized as Justin Greene from Citizen Z's files, leading the others from the room. All three were armed but so was she, she just hoped she was faster.

"Freeze!" she shouted lifting her gun, but Justin lifted his gun and fired twice and she felt the bullets hit her stomach and she fell back holding her gut. She felt no blood, she was still getting used to that, and instead of a burning pain she only felt a dull ache. Still, it was enough for the AWOL's to use to their advantage and by the time she got up they were already at the other end of the hall turning the corner.

"Shit." She muttered stumbling a bit and going after them.

Third Person POV

"What the hell Justin. What's going on?" Deric asked as they stopped, making sure the coast was clear before they ran again.

"We're saving your asses, that's what." He said signaling the all clear and they ran through the lobby and outside. Luckily, not many people were around, the shooting Jesse had caused either drew people to the scene to help, or made them flee back to their homes.

"Where's Jesse and Forrest?" Jacob asked as they ran.

"Forrest is dead." Justin replied sharply, "We're meeting up with Jesse and getting out of here. We'll head for another outpost, use new aliases and bide our time."

"Bide our time for what?" Deric questioned as they stopped at the corner of the next building. But he never got an answer, at that same moment Jesse came running over and she and Justin quickly started talking. They picked up words like 'distraction' and 'as planned' but weren't too convinced. After everything Lieutenant Warren had told them they'd been about ready to turn over Forrest for killing that ex-military guy and get their pardon. Now everything was up in flames again.

"We shouldn't have talked them into coming here." Deric muttered to Jacob. They knew Forrest and Justin could be hot heads but something in their gut just wouldn't let them abandon their friends. The service had taught them to have their brother's back. But then again it wasn't like they hadn't already broken that rule once before when they left Mark Hammond to deal with that Murphy guy on his own.

"Maybe we should have just left them and come here ourselves, just the three of us." Jacob whispered back in agreement, "Now look what's happened."

"You guys get that?" Jesse asked and they turned to her.


"We're making a run for the gate." Justin explained passing them more ammo for the guns he'd gotten them, "Shoot anyone who tries to stop you."

Bailey POV

She had made it into the community building and was starting up the steps when she saw the AWOL soldiers rushing down another hall, her instincts told her to go after them but something else kept her feet planted firmly where they were. You promised Tommy, that little voice said, you said you'd go straight to the infirmary. She never promised, she told herself, you made a deal that's a promise. And if you get hurt, you and the baby could die. Can you put him through that? Losing both of you? She hated that the logical side of her mind was winning but she also felt this knotting in her stomach, like it was urging her outside. She was a good shot, she'd learned from the best. She could help. She took a deep breath, knowing it was the dumber and riskier move, and she just hoped it wasn't the biggest mistake of her life as she ran back down the stairs and outside. She didn't get far before someone came out the door behind her and she turned to see Warren cocking her gun.

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