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One shot #6

Bailey was worried about Tommy, he'd been acting strange since that morning when she'd left to take TJ to school on her way to work. All through her shift she'd been worrying and wondering what could be wrong. Maybe he was getting stir crazy at home with the baby all day? He only had another week before his paternity leave was up and Charlie would be big enough to go to day care – a thought that terrified Bailey but she knew was inevitable – maybe he was itching to get back to work, that would make sense. She'd felt the same way when she'd been on maternity leave. Not that she didn't love staying home and spending time with her children, she'd love to be a stay at home mom, but it was the apocalypse and if their home was going to continue to thrive everyone had to do their part and pull their weight.

She sighed and turned her attention back to filling the supply order in her hands. She grabbed the last of the listed food and clothes and returned to the table where her resident was waiting. She smiled and passed him his things and he thanked her and left. One of the other workers took the last person in line and in her reprieve Annie came over and rested her hand on Bailey's shoulder.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah." Bailey replied giving another deep breath, "I think 10K is just having an off day, I just can't put my finger on why."

Annie nodded in understanding, "Everyone gets that way now and then. I wouldn't worry too much, he's a big boy he can take care of himself."

Bailey nodded and gave Annie a small smile as they got back to work. Sure Tommy was a grown person and could take care of himself, but that didn't mean he had to and that didn't mean she stopped wanting to help him.


When she got out of work later she returned home where TJ was already doing his homework at the kitchen table and Charlie was napping in her playpen. Tommy was sitting at the table with TJ helping him when he got stuck. He looked fine to her and for a moment she thought maybe whatever had been bugging him he'd forgotten about throughout the day. She knew TJ could talk your ear off – he clearly hadn't taken after his shy father there – so maybe their son had inadvertently helped his Papa.

"Hey." Bailey greeted and both her boys looked up from the table at her.

"Hey, how was work?" Tommy asked.

"Fine. How were things here?"

"I got a gold star at school today!" TJ said excitedly as he dove into his story which made both his parents smile, though she had an idea Tommy had already heard it once today.

When TJ was done with his story Bailey checked on Charlie who was waking up. Bailey checked her for a dirty diaper and unfortunately she needed a new one. As she walked her back to her room and began to change her she called through the open door. "What did you have in mind for dinner?"

Tommy walked over and leaned on the door frame, "Whatever. I'm good for anything."

She turned to him and from over her shoulder she saw him looking at the ground and the expression on his face was sulky. She finished changing Charlie, picked her up and turned back to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked softly so TJ wouldn't overhear in the kitchen.

He looked up at her, though his face was still tilted to the ground making him look like a sad puppy, "Nothing."

"Tommy." She pushed.

He stood up straighter and held his head higher, "Nothing's wrong. Forget about it."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now