Oneshots pt 4 of 4

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One shot #8

He had just opened the door to the apartment when TJ attacked him and grabbed his legs.

"Papa's home!" he announced joyfully as Tommy chuckled and tried to get through the door with the four year old stuck to him. He'd just gotten back from a week long run with Dave, Luke and Paige taking a supply truck around; they'd gone to Tundaria, Hackerville, the Cave Dwellers, passed the Mines and made their final stop at the Mountaineers. The southern outposts had made their deliveries to Altura to shorten their trips, then Altura took the rations to the northern outposts. He'd loved the trip, he'd never been to the north western settlements before and he loved seeing the Cave Dwellers and Mountaineers outposts.

When he'd finally gotten TJ to let go of his legs his son ran back to the island in the kitchen and got back to his homework and his snack. Bailey was cutting up some fresh bread and smiled at him when he hung up his jacket and made his way over to her.

"Welcome home." She said stopping what she was doing as he gave her a kiss hello.

He smiled back at her, "So what do I owe you this time?"

She put down the knife and leaned on the island, "Forty diaper changes and a couple all nighters."

He knew she was taking it easy on him with forty but that wasn't what caught his attention, "I thought Charlotte was sleeping through the night?"

"She is, but this one –" she ruffled TJ's hair as she moved to stand behind him as he kept his eyes down, "- decided eating six lollipops and half a can of cocoa powder would be a good idea. . . he learned the same thing a few nights later with a bag of potato chips."

"TJ you know better than that." Tommy scolded him looking across the island at him knowing his son knew about food rationing and not to overindulge. Especially when it made you sick.

He shrugged his little shoulders and looked up from his work, "But Papa it's the apaca-lips. If I die I want to have a belly full of lollipops and tato chips."

Bailey rolled her eyes as she ruffled his hair one more time before getting back to the bread she'd left on the counter. He shook his head before looking to her, "I have one more shift on the watch before I get a few days off."

"When does it start?"

"After dinner, it's an all night shift. I should see you in the morning."

She nodded and moved to put the bread away, once she placed it in the cupboard she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her so she could whisper in his ear and TJ wouldn't overhear. "Don't forget I have to properly welcome you home before you go."

He smirked, "How could I forget?" then he pulled away as she smiled at him. It had become their new routine, before he'd leave and after he came home. It was some of the only time alone they had these days without the kids. But it worked for them. "I'm going to hop in the shower."


The following morning he was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and fall asleep in his warm bed. He'd have a few hours to himself, it was Sunday and Bailey was at the community center. One of the rooms was used Sunday mornings by Ray who led a spiritual lecture for those who wanted to listen and join in. Bailey liked to go and take the kids, she thought it could be uplifting. Tommy hadn't ever been, his family hadn't been big on that stuff when he'd been growing up and he wasn't sure if it was his thing now as an adult either.

As he walked home he passed the community building and for some reason he stopped. His thoughts had wandered to his family and really how lucky he was to have them. He and Bailey had survived nukes, disease, a drug cartel, an exploding submarine, the blends in Spokane and that crazy nurse with a thing for lobotomy's. Bailey had gone through hell in Zona, kidnapped by the Man, he'd lost a hand, and they both made it through Pandora nearly blowing the place up. And that was just their good fortune, TJ had also been living safe and sound in a zombie free community with a functioning infirmary, Charlotte's little life would have been lost if not for Red and Dr. Hastings. Then there was that fire in Sheridan, when he'd rushed in to save that kid. He knew he wasn't nuts and he wasn't hallucinating when he felt someone help him get his leg free when he'd been stuck in the floor. He'd hallucinated before, back after Murphy bit him, he knew what hallucinations were like and that wasn't one. He'd been lucky to get out of that alive too and if he really thought every day of the past decade through the list probably went on and on. He had a lot to be grateful for. He turned and looked at the building thinking about it. Finally he decided sleep could wait, he wanted to be with his family, and part of him was curious to see if he'd see the same perspective Bailey saw.

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