S1E03: Part 2

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"So this Rocky dude loses the fight?" 10K asked as he and Doc headed back to the truck.

"Yeah, yeah but see in losing, he wins." Doc explained carrying the satellite dish while 10K carried his rifle and a bag with the cord. "It's very Zen."

"I'd like to see Rocky fight a Z. He loses he gets eaten." Doc laughed at his statement as Cassandra ran past them.

"Hey is everything okay?" the older man asked.

"Yeah, we thought you and Bailey might have gone scavenging for more food, where is she?" 10K asked.

Cassandra didn't answer before Murphy called, "It's about time."

Warren and Mack were looking at Cassandra suspiciously and Doc asked, "What's wrong?" then looked around their group. "Where's Addy?"

"Missing." Mack said not taking his eyes off Cassandra.

"Is she. . ." Doc asked.

"No." Mack cut him off. "Taken alive, by humans."

"What? Who?" Doc asked as Mack backed Cassandra up to the truck.

"We thought you might know." Warren said her body boxing the girl in along with Mack and Garnett's.

"Me? Why would I know?" Cassandra asked as Mack held up Addy's iPad she had charged with her solar panel for her recordings. 10K couldn't see the image on the screen but he did see Cassandra become more nervous.

"You recognize these guys?" Mack asked.

"No why would I?"

"Creep on the left with the ponytail was one of those two bikers back in Jersey." Warren explained. "With your friend Travis. The body behind them," she pointed on the screen, "unconscious leaning against the building, is Bailey."

"I told you, I didn't know that guy." Cassandra replied. "And I don't know them either."

Then Mack grabbed her by the throat and slammed her up against the truck with his gun to her head. "You are going to start telling me the truth right now, or I am going to start blowing holes in you until you do. Do you understand me?"

"Mack." Garnett said trying to calm him down as he carefully pulled him away from Cassandra. "Mack. Put the gun away. Put the gun away." Then he turned to Cassandra, "You're going to tell us everything you know about these guys right now."

"Or I'll shoot you." Warren threatened. Two of her people were gone, two people she'd become close to and 10K wasn't going to question how far the mother of the group would go to get those two girls back.

"I can't go back." Cassandra said starting to freak out and Mack rushed forward and grabbed her again.

"Back where? Where? Where is she? Where is she!?" then Mack's shouting attracted a Z. It came shooting around the corner and 10K put it down in a single shot as Cassandra took advantage of the distraction and ran, Warren, Garnett and Mack chasing after her.

Addy POV

Addy left the trailer after changing into an outfit that to her barely qualified as clothing. The two girls who'd been with her made a comment on how nice she looked but she only replied, "I look like a post-apocalyptic stripper."

"More like bait." One said cryptically making her pause, the girl didn't elaborate she only left with her friend and headed toward the grill where Tobias was cooking. Addy wandered over to another trailer where they'd moved Bailey to. She was still tied to a chair with her back to the trailer but her leg wound was looking better if that was any consolation. Her friend's stone faced expression changed when she saw Addy walk over to her just out of sight of their captors. Bailey looked like she might start laughing at the way Addy was dressed but was kind enough to fight it off.

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