Chapter 78

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Miles's POV

I've been telling myself I'm crazy the whole night but fucking shit, it isn't helping. I want to say that I'm not whipped but I know I am and I don't understand why the hell I can't forget her. 

I can't forget her like I forgot every other girl even Chrissy; the girl I thought was my saving grace. I thought I wanted to get better for her but then I slipped back into my old habits and before both of s knew it, I was cheating on her almost every other night. But as soon as I saw Madison there was something about her, about those eyes, those lips and that face that I couldn't get out of my fucking head and I still can't.

"You're going to be the fucking death of me Madison." I breathe before parking my car in front of Jacob's parents' house. 

I clench my jaw before stepping out of the car and onto the gravel road. I look down at my phone only to see that it's one am, I don't give a fuck if I wake anyone up. 

I open the door but it's locked which only makes me bang on the door and to my surprise, a light is turned on inside and someone approaches.

"Miles." Jacob stares at me with wide eyes. I push past him and into the room but he stops me.

"What are you doing?" he asks harshly but I shake my head.

"You know what the fuck I'm doing, I'm looking for her and I know she's here." I bark.

"Madison isn't here." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I know she is, I know you picked her up."

"And I know you left her by the side of the road in the cold," Jacob says and I clench my jaw before I break his.

"Miles!" He yells but my feet are already taking me up the stairs, my shoes leaving watery prints all over the house.

"Miles!" Jacob says harshly, swooping in the way just when I've finally reached the stairs. I push past him yet again and my fingers graze at the door handle, I know she's in there.

"Don't," he says, stopping me.

"And why not? She's my girl now." I raise a brow.

"Madison . . . we both want her, so why don't we settle this once and for all." He says and My fingers slip down the door handle and back to the side of my body.

"Settle this?" I raise a brow again at his stupidity.

"This rivalry between us has gone too far and now Madison is involved. I know we hate each other but when it comes to her; do you really want her to be involved?" He asks and I smirk at him.

"Fine." I clench my jaw and disappear back downstairs, hearing Jacob's fucking ring running down the stairs with me.

Madison's POV

I wake up to muffled voices coming from downstairs and the smell of fresh-baked cookies. My stomach grumbles and I open my eyes slowly. 

My feet step onto the cold floor and I immediately rush to the bathroom where I run a hot shower. I run my fingers through my wet hair before letting the hot water massage away all of my worry and doubt. I don't need Miles and I never have. 

My feelings for him started to abruptly and they can end that way too.

"Madison?" I hear Jacobs's voice call and I smile at myself in the mirror. I quickly get dressed and I dry my hair as well as I can before opening the door to a smiling Jacob.

"How did you sleep, babe—"

"Sorry, habit." He says and my eyes can't help but pity him. Everything he's gone through because of me makes my heart sink.

"My mom is having a fancy breakfast and I uh, I'd love if you'd join us." He says and I smile with a nod before we both travel downstairs.

"How was your sleep?" he asks and I shake my head.

"It was okay but I couldn't stop dreaming about Mile's voice right outside my door." I smile at him but his expression is neutral.

"That's odd." He says and I nod before we finally approach the gorgeous dining table. Helen gives me a bright smile before letting me know I can have a seat anywhere I like.

"I hope you don't mind but a neighbor's daughter is coming over for breakfast, she helps me cook on occasion," Helen explains and I nod with a smile. John travels down the stairs before joining us at the dinner table.

Before I can grab a toast my heart drops as I look at the front door opening to Rebecca. Helen greets her but I can't help my aching stomach. 

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Helen." Rebecca smiles and the two fall into a conversation.

Rebecca finally smiles at us before sitting down right across from me. Her hair is a light-brown and her name keeps running through my head. 'Rebecca' that was the name that was flashing across Milles's phone screen; the name that broke us. 

My mind travels back to that night and everything that has now spiraled out of control in my life. She stares at me, her eyes taunting my every emotion. 

I did the same thing to Chrissy; I should feel like I deserve this but yet I can't. I'm selfishly hoping that she was just someone Miles was with once or not at all. She's not me and I'm not Chrissy.

"Oh I forgot some scrambled eggs in the kitchen, Rebecca would you be a dear—" Helen starts.

"Of course, Madison would you join me?" She says and I gulp before standing up with her. I followed her slowly into the beautiful kitchen before she turns to me, making sure no one is eves' dropping.

"So, how's Miles? I've really missed him." She says, taunting me. My stomach starts to churn and I want to find a way to escape the situation.

"We should probably get those eggs." I smile kindly, grabbing the large green plate with scrambled eggs.

"Why? Don't you want to talk to your boyfriend's mistress . . . you know, the girl he's cheating on you with. I know you saw us at that party and it's too bad you didn't see more." She says and my heart shatters. 

She gives me a small smile with a giggle before grabbing the plate from my hands and walking into the dining room. I stand there for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. My lips start to tremble and I want to cry, I feel like there's a pit in my stomach that needs to be filled with tears.

"Madison are you okay?" Jacob's voice travels into the kitchen along with his worried face.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little sick." I lie, trying not to sniffle.

"Come on, I'll drive you back home," Jacob says and I thank him.

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