Bonus Chapter three

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This is probably my favorite deleted scene and I'm kind of wishing I would have included it but at least it's still sort of a part of TPS. Enjoy guys!!!

This is when Madison and Miles still hated each other (Very early)

"I was thinking of grabbing dinner but I didn't realize you'd have company, I'll see you in about an hour," I say putting on my shoes and getting ready to leave the dorm room.

"We'll come with," Miles says, surprising everyone.

"Starting and finishing each other's sentences." Chrissy giggles before grabbing a sweater.

"I'll drive," Miles says and we follow him to the parking lot. I stop and stare at the car he walks into. The doors open up and the car is a beautiful gray. 

He's a college student this car can't be his . . . can it? Miles notices me staring and smirks. 

Chrissy sits in the front and me in the back. The music instantly blasts with the bass almost shaking up every cell inside of me.

"So, you have a new phone huh?" Chrissy breaks my thoughts. "Yeah, Jac—"

"Jacob got it for you! We get it, marry him already." Miles says unexpectedly and Chrissy gives him the stink eye. I never will understand their relationship.

"What the fuck?" Chrissy asks and kicks him under the table.

"I think he's just a little jealous," I say with a smirk.

"HA, HA funny." He says putting his phone back in his pocket. His veiny hands reach to grab the menus, handing them to the waitress. Maybe he does have a nice side after all.

The food finally arrives and I can't wait to dig into my burger. I notice Miles glance at me from time to time and I glance back but he quickly looks away. 

I catch a glimpse of his eyes right before they turn away from mine. 

His eyes almost look hazel His black hair is hidden by the hoodie and his teeth bite onto his lips.

"That's a really nice necklace Madison," Chrissy says with a full mouth. "Don't say Jacob again, I'll throw up," Miles says as he takes a sip of his coke.

"My friend Jace gave it to me," I say giving his eyes a deep stare.

"Oh, who's that," Chrissy asks, Miles' ears even seem to perk up.

"He's my best friend from my hometown, Ohio. He gave it to me right before I left." I say wanting to desperately tear up. I really do miss him.

"Does he go here?" she asks.

"I wish, he comes next year though. He's our age, he uh . . . just had a little trouble with coming this year." I say trying to keep as much detail of his grandfather out of the conversation.

"Probably because you're here," Miles says coolly. I feel the tears coming with no control this time.

"why . . . why would you say that?" I ask right before my tears pour out of my eyes. I rush outside. I need a moment away from all of this, away from all the memories left behind.

"What the fuck Miles?" Chrissy practically screams and follows me out. We both stand behind the restaurant. "I'm so sorry he can be such a jerk sometimes. 

He's usually not like this, I'm sorry I really don't know what's gotten over him."

"It's okay, just Jace is such a sensitive subject, I probably overreacted." I sniffle and give her a slight smile.

"no of course not, you should see how sensitive I am towards everything Miles does. I know I don't look it but he just gets on my last nerves sometimes."

"That's healthy," I say and we both laugh.

We go back inside just to find Miles gone. He's sitting in his car with the window open and the car turned on he's . . . vaping? "Miles vapes?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, he does, it's rare, but he does."

The white smoke flies out of the window and into the air, the smoke is a thick white that smells like cherries. I can tell Chrissy doesn't vape by the way she looks at him. He instantly puts it away.

He doesn't hesitate to press the gas as he drives faster than allowed, way faster.

"Don't worry Madison he used to compete in race driving, we won't die," Chrissy says, clearly noticing my worried expression. Race driving or not, this is dangerous. We arrive in only mere minutes. How has the police not caught him yet?

At least he's a gentleman, walking Chrissy to the door. I go in first while they stand in the doorway. 

"I'll see you tonight baby." He says looking at her and then quickly at me. She blushes and he gives her a soft kiss on the lips. 

The door closes and we're finally alone, what I wanted for the past few hours. I hope Miles won't always be coming with us everywhere, I'd be fine with it if Jacob was with me too.

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