Chapter 2

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"Madison?" My mom whispers. I feel my eyes water, with both excitement and sadness. 

"Yeah?" I answer, trying not to choke on the lump in my throat.

"Are you ready?"

"No, not yet mom go back to sleep, I'm not leaving for a couple of hours."

She gives me a light smile and walks into the bathroom. I take a deep breath, I know I'll come to visit her, I don't know why this is so hard. I look at myself in the old cracked mirror that's left, hanging on the wall in my now old room. My hazel green eyes look like they're keeping too many tears behind them.

"Calm down," I say to myself, trying to ease my ache. I've never known anything else but my mother how can I just leave like this? I use my small light pink towel to dry my hair, which now almost looks black from the wetness.

 I grab my favorite book and place it on top of my suitcase, the same book that got me into reading in the first place. Jace saw me obsess over it in the bookstore so he got it for me. I brush my teeth and pack the remainder of my stuff. 

I go into my small yet somehow big room and slip into my mom's jeans, the ones she used to wear when she met my dad, I've always loved them, the way they looked on her, and now I'm wearing them along with my tight black long sleeve shirt, the neckline is low, yet not at all revealing. I actually look good, I was saving this outfit for this day. I'm going to go to college where everyone will be dressed their best, everyone so serious and professional, I need to look the part too, don't I?

I think I'm ready, I go into the kitchen where my mom is making pancakes on the open flame stove. I quickly eat and grab all of my belongings.

"You'll be just fine honey. I know everything will be okay." she smiles her warmest smile, whilst tugging at her bathrobe to cover more of her bare neck.

"Yeah, mom but you'll be here all alone all by yourself, with No on-" She cuts me off.

"I have Jace, he comes around, and Madison I'll be okay I'm not sick I'm perfectly healthy, the doctor said I'm getting back on my feet, slowly but surely." She says, kissing my forehead.

"I'll tell Jace to come around often okay? And I'll come to visit you so often, mom."

We say our teary goodbyes with a few laughs at the memories we've made over the past years. I walk away slowly, carrying my stuff the best I can. I see her slowly walking back into the house, slightly waving at me. 

The sunshine seems to shine right through my body, giving me a warm feeling throughout. I see Jace standing there waiting with his motorcycle parked.

"Oh, hi Madison." He says weirdly surprised.

"Do you like it?" I ask, doing a quick spin.

"Y-yeah I do." He stammers and runs his hand through his short chestnut-colored hair. No wonder he's so confused, all I've ever worn are old hand-me-downs and yet he still remained by my side no matter how I dressed or what I looked like. The sun is only beginning to rise, all of the tall grass seems to be so alive, the light wind blowing slowly through the whole field is something I only got to see when I woke up early enough to feed the cows.

"You know what I'll miss most?" He asks as I step onto the motorcycle.

"What?" I ask unsure, doubting if I should even leave.

Jace speeds up on the motorcycle, it doesn't take too long for it to gather speed, despite it being old.

"Wait . . . Stop, Stop!" I say forcing him to slam the breaks.

"what's wrong Madi---" He stops himself.

"Of course, why don't I know this by now." He says with a cute smile plastered on his face.

"It's a cat," I say smiling and petting the fluffy black cat.

"I need to say goodbye to her too." I look back at him with a slight giggle, he seems lost in his thoughts even though he's giggling with me, his eyes twinkle in a way I haven't seen before. 

He seems almost nervous when I walk back towards him and sit behind him. He takes a moment to collect himself before he finally puts his helmet on, grabbing tight onto the handles.

 My arms rest wrapped around his stomach, It feels almost soothing. He stays quiet, which is unusual for Jace who never seems to stop talking.

"So what was that thing you wanted to tell me you'd miss the most?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Oh uh . . . I 'll miss the swing you know the one we used to swing in as kids, talking about our dreams, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll just miss you, Maddie.

I feel my eyes water, yet again but the wind holds my tears from falling this time.

"Yeah, I remember," I say quietly, I close my eyes for what seems to be a split second.

"We're here." He says calmly before stepping off and helping me do the same. He doesn't take his eyes off of mine.

"You know Maddie, you'll have to get a phone so we can reach each other." He says, his voice low.

"I know, I'll get everything figured out, don't worry we'll never lose touch that's why I spend the whole summer working remember?" I smile.

"Yeah, I remember, I'll miss you more than anything, I hope you know that." He says.

"Of course I do, Jace," I say, leaning in for a tight hug. The hug is long, but not long enough, I pull away and his dark green eyes meet mine in a foreign way.

"There are too many cats in this place for you to be here anyway." He teases and I laugh despite the tears threatening to spill.

"Please stay the same when I come back, Jace." I plead.

"Of course I will, and you too Maddie, I still want this innocent girl back in a few weeks alright?" He smiles.

 I can see he's holding back tears but I know he won't let them out, he never does. I've never seen him cry, even when we were little and hurt himself; he never let out a single tear.

"I'll never change." I smile and rest my hand on his shoulder. He licks his lips and gives me a friendly smile. God, I'll miss his smile.

"There's one more thing. Turn around." He says, his voice calm.

I feel his soft hands place something around my neck. I look down and see a beautiful necklace with a blue heart charm.

"It's a charm . . . you know, Charm, Ohio . . . where we live." He says with an awkward smile and I chuckle slightly.

"Oh my god Jace, thank you!" I squeak and hug him as tight as I can. I give him a small peck on the cheek, making the redness appear on his cheeks.

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