Senior prank night

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I decided to cut off all connections with Niklaus and Rebekah, I couldn't put my family in danger. I have already revealed a lot of information about my life to Nik and if he ever found out that when I spoke about my sister 'El' I actually meant Elena is the doppelgänger that he supposedly killed, was alive. He would come and kill her again; I could not let that happen.

When I arrived home from Chicago, I told Elena and her friends everything about what happened in Chicago and how I discovered that I had had been texting with Klaus for months. They were horrified and frightened for me and themselves.

Tonight, was Elena's senior prank night, I still remember mine. Gluing our least favourite teacher's furniture down and painting the front entrance bright pink among other things. It's one of my favourite memories. I really miss my old friends, as soon as they graduated, they were out of Mystic Falls. Honestly, I never thought I'd be back and living in Mystic falls but my brother Jeremy and sister Elena need me now.

Since I am a loner with nothing better to do – I mean a great supporter of my sister and her friends, I am helping them out tonight. I was sitting on a desk scrolling through the messages between Nik and myself, despite everything I miss chatting with him. Suddenly the loud clatters of multiple mouse traps being set off sounded in the room as one of Elena's friends Matt entered the classroom. "Oh! Come on seriously?! Do you know how long it took us to set all this up?!" Another of Elena's friends Caroline exclaimed in annoyance. "Relax Care the night is still young, give poor Matty a break." Caroline shook her head with a smile as Tyler asked. "Forgot about senior prank night huh?" Matt nodded as Tyler patted him in the back. "Clearly." Caroline scoffed in astonishment. "How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since freshman year!" "Yeah, Matt if I'm doing this, you're doing this." Elena added, Matt shook his head with a slight smile. "I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this." Bonnie laughed "Caroline's making us." "And I have nothing better to do." I added. Caroline crossed her arms defensively "we're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..." before Caroline could finished Elena interrupted. "And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point at all?" Caroline frowned at Elena's teasing "go ahead, make fun, I don't care." Tyler got up heading towards the door with his bag. "You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank." After Tyler vanished through the door, Elena got up heading towards the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" Bonnie questioned as she noticed Elena leaving. Elena smiled at Bonnie "to superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories" Caroline grinned waving at Elena as she left. "Love you!"

"Good luck" I yelled to my younger sister, but she was already gone. I sighed, its always a little awkward hanging out with her friends especially when she isn't around herself. Once I finished re setting up the mouse traps with her friends I decided to go search for my sister.

"Elena" I called out into the empty hallways. I had searched in Alaric's classroom but I found no evidence that she had been there, she must have gotten side tracked or something. "Elena Marie Gilbert!" I called again as I ventured towards the gym where the main pranks where being set up. "I swear if she is planning on pranking me, she will regret it." I grumbled under my breath. Nearing the gym I could hear voices but as I opened the doors I was shocked to see Nik in the centre of the gym with my sister. This was not good.

Nik and I made eye contact and I immediately turned and ran away. Or at least attempted to run. In a split second he was in front of me. "Wow you suck at keeping the fact that you're part vampire as secret." I said before I could think. I covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh so you found out what I was, did you Cassandra? Is that why you neglected to reply to any of my messages and calls? Are you afraid of me now?" I crossed my arms feeling guilting about the hurt in his voice. "No I'm not afraid of you Nik. I didn't respond to your messages because you killed my aunt and tried to kill my sister and multiple of her friends!" Words tumbled from my mouth without me realising how stupid I was revealing who my sister was. Nik quirked an eyebrow. "So, you're Elena's sister. You are a Gilbert." I sighed but nodded, no denying it now. What was I going to do?

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