Just friends

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I lent back on Elena's bed reading beside Bonnie as she rummaged through her closet. My sister let out a frustrated sigh causing me to look up from my book. "I hate everything in my closet! I have nothing to wear to homecoming!" She explained holding up a dress that I couldn't even imagine why she had ever bought. "So don't go. Let's stay home, order take out and over analyse ancient hieroglyphics thingies with Alaric." Bonnie suggested, I shook my head looking at my sisters friend knowing the only reason she didn't want to go was because she didn't have a date to homecoming.

I didn't have a date! I just went with my friends and we had a great time. "El, have a look in my closet I'm sure you'll find something suitable in there and Bonnie you should go, you only get one homecoming so take this opportunity to spend time with your friends and make some memories I promise you won't regret it." I told the two girls. "Cassie's right as usual besides we have to go, Caroline will kill us." Bonnie looked down "I get what you're saying Cassie but my friends have dates and I don't. What fun will it be?" Elena sat on the bed; I knew they needed to talk so I decided to take my leave as Rebekah had asked me to meet her. "Hey, I'm going to go. But good luck, call me if you need absolutely anything! Ok? Ok! Bye!"

As requested by Rebekah I headed down to the Salvatore house to help her get ready for her first homecoming dance. For a girl who has lived over a hundred more lifetimes than I, I was quite surprised that she had never been to one let alone a high school before this year. Though to be fair she had spent some time in a forced sleep, by her own brother. Nik claims he does so to protect them.

I am sure he means well in his own way but daggering his own siblings and locking them in coffins whenever he deems fit is not right, it is no wonder his siblings share a bit of resentment toward him. Although I have only met Rebekah I have heard much about Elijah from my own siblings and their friends and a little bit about the other Mikaelson siblings Finn and Kol from Nik and Rebekah.

Despite the fact that they are all original vampires who could easily kill me without a second thought, I would love to meet them all!

"For the last time! Stop fiddling with your dress Bekah! You look stunning, there is nothing to be nervous about." I told my friend who was gazing into the mirror tugging at her dress. "I can do what I bloody want!" She snapped angrily, but at my unimpressed look. My arms crossed and eye brow raised she stopped and sighed. "I'm sorry Cassie, I hate to admit it but I am nervous afterall this is my first homecoming." I smiled softly. "Rebekah you are not the only one going through this, it's the first and only homecoming for everyone there tonight. And you are going to outshine them all, with confidence and a smile on your face." I reassured her making her smile graciously. "You are to good Cassie, are you sure you cannot come with me tonight? It would be so much easier." I shook my head with a laugh. "I told you no the first time and I'll tell you again. I do not want to go to your homecoming dance, I already had mine and though it was amazing I am not going to crash a homecoming with kids who still remember me before I graduated. It would be way to weird." I explained, no one could ever convince me to go.

"Well it was worth a shot, I could make you but I won't. Be grateful" I laughed. "Oh I know, thank you Bekah for your generosity" She grinned looking back at her reflection. "I truly am excited for tonight, you have no idea how much I appreciate you helping me get ready and for being such a kind friend to me. I dislike most people, but you are one of the few I actually do like." I smiled "Thanks lovely. You know its weird, its like you're both a younger and older sister to me at the same time." I commented "Is that bad?" Rebekah asked "Oh no, not at all. I like it, you're a great friend and you've come to be quite like a sister to me even if you are a pain sometimes." I told her and it was true, Rebekah gave me a hug. "I never met my sister Freya as she died young and I've always wished for a sister. Thank you Cassie, now help me with my makeup." I smiled and laughed. "Of course"

"You know if you married one of my brothers we could be real sisters." Rebekah commented slyly as I applied mascara to her eye lashes. "There are four to chose from, I'm sure one of them would do." She continued. "Bekah, trust me I don't plan on marrying any of your siblings, I have only met one of them anyway." I told her almost laughing at her ideas. "Well then just marry Nik." I froze. "Rebekah, I don't know what you think but Nik and I are just friends and we won't ever me more than that. It's a surprise we are even friends after all he's done to my family." In the mirror I watched Rebekah grin to herself making me narrow my eyes. 

"Just friends ... of course."  

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