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4 days later...

Nik: Hey Cass

Cassie: what do you want?

Nik: ...

Nik: What's wrong Cassie?

Cassie: Nothing, I'm fine.

Nik: Cassandra?

Cassie: Niklaus?

Nik: Cassandra!!

Cassie: ok I'm sorry

Cassie: I've just been really busy lately and my friend is being really toxic at the moment.

Cassie: I'm sorry if I wasn't being friendly, I'm glad you texted me. Thank you

Nik: you're welcome and it's alright.

Cassie: hey you finally texted me first!!

Nik: yeah I did

Cassie: yayyyyy

Cassie: you're starting to like me!

Nik: of course I like you Cassie

Cassie: wooooh besties!!

Nik: haha sure 

Cassie: I'll send you a friendship bracelet

Cassie: send me your address

Nik: if I do you'll mail yourself to me

Cassie: okay seriously how the heck did you even know that

Nik: I'm know everything 😉

Cassie: No!!! I kNoW EVERYTHING!

Nik: oh how could I forget.

Cassie: so address?

Nik: I don't have one at the moment

Cassie: huh? Why?

Nik: let's just say I've been staying at a friends house, I travel a lot.

Cassie: oh that's really cool!

Cassie: yo Nik you still there?

Cassie: wow I feel so rejected

Cassie: you didn't die did you??

Cassie: I really hope you didn't!! I can't lose another friend!

Nik: Hey Cassie, it's okay I'm fine. You won't lose me, I can't die.

Cassie: I hate to tell you Nik but everyone can die.🤔

Nik: not me 😜

Cassie: Ah of course you're invisible and immortal! Superhero Nik!!🦸🏼‍♂️

Nik: haha, that's ironic.

Cassie: let's play a game!

Nik: a game?

Cassie: yep!! I ask you a question and you ask one in return. Simple and we have to be truthful!

Nik: ok lets do it

Cassie: ok I'll go first

Cassie: How old are you?

Nik: Technically I'm 21, how old are you?

Cassie: Technically?? Well I'm 21 too, so I guess we're twins! You mentioned you have siblings how many and what are their names?

Nik: technically that was two questions.

Cassie: well they count as one

Nik: ok what ever you say

Nik: I technically have 6 although two of them passed away. Freya was my oldest sister though I never got to meet her as she passed away before I was born, Finn is the next oldest, then Elijah, then after me there is kol, then Rebekah and finally henrik who also passed when he was young.

Cassie: wow I'm so sorry that you've had to lose two of your siblings I can't imagine losing either of mine.

Cassie: alright your turn to ask a question

Nik: ok, what's your favourite colour

Cassie: id have to say yellow!!

Cassie: my turn, umm how old do you think you are mentally

Nik: oh defiantly hundreds of years old

Cassie: haha okay grandpa

Nik: if you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go?

Cassie: either home, Norway or to meet you.

Nik: why Norway?

Cassie: I've always wanted to see the northern lights.

Nik: Ah yes they are beautiful

Cassie: aww you've seen them, lucky!!

Cassie: are you in a relationship?

Nik: no I'm not, are you?

Cassie: nope

Nik: do you believe in the supernatural?

Cassie: oooh like mermaids, unicorns and werewolves?

Nik: I suppose.

Cassie: it would be pretty cool if they existed wouldn't it? It would be awesome to have a pet werewolf but only if it could shift on its own accord not be forced to by the moon I'm sure that would suck. So I'd have a werewolf best friend/pet that would be so much fun!

Nik: I'm sure that would be fun

Nik: oh it seems I have uninvited guests. I have to go.

Cassie: say hi from me

Cassie: haha bye!

Wrong number ❖ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now