Disgrace of a 'human'

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1 day later...

Cassie: Hey Nik

Nik: Hi Cassie, how are you doing?

Cassie: *sigh*

Cassie: Hanna yelled at me this morning because I slept in when she apparently wanted us to go see her parents because they aren't in a good state. She never told me that we were going. She ended up leaving to go herself. 

Nik: Its not your fault, if she wanted you to come she should have informed you early. Whats wrong with her parents?

Cassie: They are ... very over protective you could say. They often randomly make her come to visit them to make sure she isn't dead, which is understandable in a way since they lost her older sister in a school shooting when she was eight. 

Nik: That is awful, but it does not excuse her behaviour towards you. I doubt my parents would be sad if I turned up dead.

Cassie: ?????

Nik: My father has spent majority of my life hunting down my siblings and I in an attempt to kill us.

Cassie: What the hell? I'm so sorry for you and your siblings! What about your mum?

Nik: My mother...

Nik: my father killed her because he found out that I wasn't his son, that she had cheated on him.

Cassie: Oh you poor child, I wanna give you a hug!


Nik: I'm fine thanks Cass

Cassie: NO ONE CAN STOP ME! Mwahahahahahaha

Nik: and how do you propose you'll find me?

Cassie: I know everything!

Cassie: I'll be at your house in a sec, I'm already on my way.

Cassie: I'm pulling up to your drive way. I'm at the front door.

Cassie: Knock, knock, knock

Cassie: I have arrived.

Nik: I can't open the door right now. Come back next year.

Cassie: noooooo, don't reject me Nik!

Nik: it's to late Cassie! What's done is done! 😅

Cassie: lmao. Can you imagine if I actually tracked you down?

Nik: what does "lmao" mean?

Cassie: -__- are you kidding me?

Nik: no....

Cassie: wow and I thought I was uneducated. It means laughing my ass off.

Nik: Oh, well then I agree.

Cassie: obviously. 😂😂

Cassie: Oh I just got a text! I have friends, yay!!

Cassie: okay it wasn't a happy text...

Cassie: Hanna's moving out... she says I'm no longer up to her "standards" as a friend.

Nik: maybe its for the best.

Cassie: Yes...

Nik: Do I need to kill her.

Cassie: Omg no! I'm just a bit hurt.

Nik: Ok my offer still stands though

Cassie: Lol I'm sure it does

Nik: I have to go I have some work to do.

Cassie: Ok byeeee ttyl

Nik: Goodbye love (what does ttyl mean?)

Cassie: talk to you later!! You disgrace of a human

Nik: who said I was human 😉

Cassie: hahahahaha bye!!

Nik: Goodbye 

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