You're alive? Good for you.

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Elena turned into a vampire just in time, I'm glad she's still here but I just hope she made the right choice for her. A vampire was the last thing she had wanted to be, and yet here she was. I told her about my sudden vacation, and she was actually really happy about it. She said it would be good for me and I knew she was right. After everything, I needed an escape, even if it was only for a little while. She was back and safe at home, still processing the fact that she was now a vampire and for a second I thought that maybe now everything would begin to slow down to resemble something 'normal' that was until Rebekah messaged me. 

Bekah: I know you probably don't want to hear from me. 

Bekah: But please come to the Mikaelson manor. There is someone you'll want to see. 

There was only one name that rang through my mind as I read her messages. But it couldn't be true, he was dead... right? There was only one way to find out. 


"From this moment on, you're not my family, you're not my sister. You are nothing." I heard Niklaus say, before I watched him snap Rebekah's neck. I don't know what she said to provoke him, but I'm certain she did not deserve that.

I had no idea what I was going to do or say, when I saw Nik again, now I know that I need to end our friendship right here, right now. I can't keep him in my life, it will just lead to more pain and I can't bare anymore. To see how easily he can turn on his own sister, it makes this decision so much easier.

Nik looks up, freezing at the sight of me. "Cassandra – I –" He struggled to find words. I just shook my head, putting on a blank face.

"You're alive. Good for you Klaus." I said, keeping my words even. I turned around immediately, aiming for the door. "Wait, Cassie please" He called to me, I almost did, why is it so hard to walk away?

I didn't turn around. "No. I'm done." I told him as my eyes began to fill with tears. I took a deep breath, before continuing on my way.

Nik didn't stop me this time, and as soon as I met the cold air of the night the tears fell and didn't stop. 

Wrong number ❖ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now