The secret is out!

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"Nik! Where the hell are my shoes? I can't find them anywhere!" I screamed from upstairs. After our sleepover I spent the entire day hanging out at Niks mansion with him, getting to know Elijah as well but now I was going home as they were having Stefan and Damon over for dinner and I wasn't very well going to be here when that happened or else the whole "I hate Klaus" would be spoiled. "How the bloody hell would I know??" Nik yelled back at me from somewhere in the house. "It's your house!!! Help me find them!" I screamed back. "Stop yelling in my house!" He yelled in response. "I can do what I want!" I replied still yelling. "Not in my house you can't!" He replied and I stomped my foot in annoyance before yelling. "Just help me find my shoes, so I can get out of here! Best friends are supposed to help each other!" I heard laughter from somewhere in the house, I had no idea where the idiot was. "Just go home without them! If I cant find them, I'll buy you a new pair!"

"I am not going home without my shoes you little shit," I said in a normal voice, knowing full well he could hear me. With his vampire speed, I know he could easily find my shoes for me, but he's just a lazy ass.  

I spent another fifteen minutes searching for my shoes - my favourite shoes and I still didn't find them anywhere. Seriously where the hell did they go? Completely frustrated I stomped my way downstairs before I stopped, there at the bottom of the stairs stood my shoes. You've got to be kidding me, the moment I give is the moment I find them. I should have given up fifteen minutes ago!

Grabbing my shoes and bag, I made my way towards the dining room where Nik had been preparing for his guests. "Nik! I found them! Thanks for inviting me over last night, I had so much fun! I'm leaving no-" I rounded corner my sentence stopping as I found Nik and Elijah with both Stefan and Damon. I cursed under my breath. "Well shit." 

Damon was the first to speak. "I thought you were at your friend Nikola's house?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised. "Technically I am... meet Nikola!" I gestured to Nik, who simply rolled his eyes a smirk decorating his face. 

"You told us you hated Klaus!" He said and Nik responded. "Ah yes, Cassandra does hate me. We hate each other very very much! You should have heard her screaming last night, about fifteen minutes ago too!" I turned my head slowly to look at Nik with wide eyes, as it was clear what he was insinuating to Damon. "I will murder you in your sleep Niklaus" I grumbled, glaring at my supposed best friend. "See there you go, she hates me and wants to kill me," Nik explained with a chuckle. 

"I think you should leave, Cassie," Stefan told me. I glared at both of the Salvatore's. "Yes, I will. But if either tells Elena about this, you will regret it!" I explained, before saying goodbye to Nik and Elijah. I gave Elijah a hug. "It was nice to meet you, Cassandra," Elijah said. "It was nice meeting you too Elijah, despite bearing witness to you ripping a heart from someone's body you seem a great guy! I look forward to meeting you again soon." Elijah chuckled. "As do I." 

I moved onto Nik and hugged him too. "You are dead to me," I whispered in his ear. "Yes of course I am, love you to Cass." He replied.

"I'm serious," I muttered annoyed that Damon and Stefan had discovered our secret, everything had been going great. "Cassie they were bound to find out eventually, don't worry too much. I promise it'll all be fine." I sighed. "It'd better be." I gave him one last hug before bidding him goodbye. "See ya later Nikola"

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