I forgive you

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I strolled around town, my thoughts running wilder and wilder with each step I took. I had no idea what to do! 

Despite everything, I wished I could talk to my sister about everything.  Thankfully I didn't have to make the first move when I received a text from Elena. 

Elena: Decade dance tonight - Want to get ready with me? 

Cassie: I'll be there in an hour, xx

I honestly didn't expect Elena to be the one to approach me first and it made me really happy to see that she did and it shows me how much she has grown up. I remember when we were younger she would hold grudges for weeks on end. 

There was this one time when she was seven where she spilt ketchup on her favourite dress at the time, staining it. She didn't touch ketchup for almost a year!

She used to always look up to me but now she keeps trying to protect me like she thinks I can't protect myself and, to be honest, it truly does hurt that she feels she needs to do that. 

Before meeting my younger sister, I needed to find a dress to wear to the dance. I wasn't a student but to be fair neither was Niklaus and he is like a thousand years old so I'm sure it'll be fine. 

Walking through town, I stopped by an old thrift store. It took me a while but I found the most perfect dance for the 1920s theme. It was a yellow flapper dress that sparkled with gold beads and sequins. It was absolutely beautiful and in my favourite colour! I'm not usually one to get excited over dresses but for once I couldn't help it, I loved it and couldn't wait to wear it to the dance. 


"Klaus wants you to what?" Elena demanded astonished as I finally told her what had been plaguing my mind all day. "I know, it's crazy. But look on the bright side, he'll be out of your hair, you won't have to worry about Nik being in Mystic Falls anymore." I told her, we sat on her bed while I brushed her hair ready to style it. 

"But you wouldn't be here." Elena said quietly. "I would have Klaus stay in Mystic Falls for forever if it meant you stayed." She explained turning around the face me. My heart warmed. 

"Oh Elena, I don't want to leave you or Jeremy, not one bit. I truly don't know what my decision will be." I spoke hugging her tightly, I was so happy we were back on good terms. At least for now. 

Elena took a deep breath before grasping my hand in hers. "I know you care about Klaus and I know now that I can't do anything to change that. He makes you happy and when you're happy I'm happy so I chose what is best for you. I won't make the decision for you, not again Cassie. You'll need to talk to Jeremy as well though." I smiled sadly. "I will. I love you so much Ellie, I'm so happy you understand. I may not know yet what my decision will be, but I will let you know the moment I decide." 

Elena laughed. "Ellie? You haven't called me that since I was a child." I smiled. "It's a cute nickname, El. I'll have to start calling you it more often." I explained. "No one else calls me Ellie." She told me, with a soft smile. "That's what makes it so special, Ellie. It's our thing, no one else's." 

Elena hugged me tightly. "I love you, Cassie! You are the best big sister I could ever wish for! I'm so sorry for my mistakes" She cried out. I hugged her back, equally as tight. "I forgive you, I will always forgive you"

Question... Are short chapters or long chapters better? Because I can make them longer by combining chapters but it'll take me longer to update.

Hope you all are enjoying! 


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