Sister Time

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After Nik 'set me free' Elena and I went home, while I pretended to be traumatized and angry at my kidnapper Klaus. Elena told me to go have a shower to freshen up and try to wash away the bad memories, so that's exactly what I did I had a nice long shower.

As I came down the stairs, I found the last thing I expected. Through the open front door, there was my little sister kissing Damon Salvatore. 

The pair separated, while I stood there shocked. "Goodnight" Damon whispered to her, before walking off into the night. 

Elena stood there, starstruck for a while and as she turned to head back inside she discovered me. "Cassie!" She gasped. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough" 


I could tell that my younger sister was mentally exhausted, so I pushed her upstairs threw her comfiest pyjamas her way and told her to have a nice long shower as she had told me before. While she showered, I prepared us some warm hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, set up my bed with lots of cushions and blankets, lit some nicely scented candles and set up the tv in my room up with singing in the rain - my favourite musical. 

"Cassie" Elena sighed, as she stood at the door to my room a tired grateful smile on her face. "You didn't have to do this," She told me, I shook my head. "Come on, jump in the bed. I wanted to do this, what type of big sister would I be if I didn't throw the occasional movie musical sleepover with my favourite little sister!" I explained cheerfully "I'm your only sister Cass" Elena reminded me. "Yeah I know, but you're my favourite only sister."  

We cuddled together under the warmth of the blankets and let the introducing credits begin. "Are you ok El?" I asked my baby sister, and with that simple question, she burst into tears. "It's just all so much, you know. I don't know how much more I can take Cassie, I just wish we could go back." I didn't need to say when, I knew exactly what she meant. I feel like the moment our parents died in that car crash, was the moment everything began to fall and I hate that I wasn't there enough for my siblings, I hate that I ran, I hate that it took more death to bring me back, what kind of am I? "I know, know Ellie. You're so strong, you're so brave all the time and I know I wasn't there enough back then but I am here now and you don't have to bear these troubles alone anymore." 

"Jeremy could have died today, so could you and Alaric did die. I was so scared when Klaus picked up your phone instead of you, I can't bear to lose another family member especially not you or Jeremy." She explained tearfully "I understand how you feel entirely, but you don't have to worry about me Elena I can protect myself." I told her rubbing her back in comfort. "I know, but how can I not. You're my only sister Cassie. And Jeremy oh my gosh, he cut off someone's head today!" She gasped in exasperation "I'm sorry? He did what?" I asked her, this was the first time I was hearing of this. Jeremy. My sixteen-year-old little brother decapitated someone. "After you left, we waited for Alaric to wake up and when he did he wasn't healed so we called for an ambulance but were stopped by a hybrid - the one who ran Alaric over. Jeremy shot him then cut his head off. He's sixteen years old Cass, look at what my life has caused him to do, he shouldn't have to live like this and..." She trailed off at the end but I urged her to continue. "And that's why I asked Damon to compel Jeremy to leave town." She finished quickly, keeping her gaze pinned on me waiting for a reaction. 

"Elena, sweetheart. I know that you care about Jeremy's safety and so do I, I think that this change will be good for Jeremy but to force him into it, that is not right. Did you even think about asking him first? He might have said yes, we could have persuaded him together. I am both you and Jeremy's guardian and you can't go making decisions especially ones that take away our little brother's free will without even consulting with me first. Do you understand?" A tear slipped down my sisters face. "I know, I know. I'm just so scared for him and I wanted what was best, you're right I should have spoken to you first but it's done. Jeremy leaves for Denver soon." I sighed, it would be good for Jeremy to leave town for a little while I only wish it would be upon his own choice. "We will talk about this tomorrow ok?" Elena nodded. 

"Now, tell me what's going on with you and those Salvatore boys?" I immediately asked her. "How long have you been waiting to ask me that?" Elena asked me instead "Since I saw you kiss Damon, but I had to be the caring sister first. Now you cant avoid answering, so spill!" 

She sighed, exasperated her hands gripped her head. "I am so confused Cass, completely and entirely confused ...."

Needless to say, we spoke late into the night talking about her Salvatore brother confusion (personally I thought she should move on from all things Salvatore related, but of course that would never happen) , talked more about Jeremy, spoke about my new hatred for Nik, sang along to singing in the rain and much more. Despite the stress that has been occurring lately, it was nice to have some proper sister time just the two of us for once. 

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