Wrong number

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Cassie: Hey.....

Cassie: Haaaaanaaaaa! When are you going to be home! I'm dying of boredom here on my lonesome.

Cassie: I swear Hanna if I die I'm coming back and haunt you till the end of time.

Cassie: Ok I'll be dead in...

Cassie: 3...

Cassie: 2...

Cassie: 1...

Cassie: I am dead now.

Read 12:01pm

Cassie: Oh YoU hAvE gOt To Be KiDdInG mE!

Cassie: Seriously what it id actually died???

Read 3:06pm

Cassie: Hanna please reply to me, I'm worried

Cassie: Why aren't you replying to me? I can see that you're read these messages.

Cassie: Hanna????

Cassie: HANNA!!

Cassie: Ok I'm kind of freaking out, if you are mad at me I am sorry. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you. Please reply to me I am scared. I won't text you again but please come home soon.

Unknown: Hello, I think that perhaps you may have the wrong number.

Cassie: Oh my gosh!! You just witnessed me freaking out. I am so sorry!

Unknown: It's no problem, love.


Unknown: Yes....?

Cassie: Sorry that was a bit creepy, ok maybe a lot creepy.  I just imagined that message with an English accent. That doesn't justify it either but haha ha...

Unknown: Okay? Are you alright?

Cassie: huh? Why wouldn't I be??

Unknown: you seemed a little freaked out about your friend.

Cassie: Well yeah Hannah invited me to go shopping with her but I declined and then she didn't come home last night so I'm worried about her, I guess she put the wrong number into my phone... Sorry again.

Unknown: Has it been 24 hours since you last talked to her.?

Cassie: not yet.

Unknown: If it goes past 24 hours, I advise you report her missing to the police.

Cassie: Thanks I will, I'll try contacting her mother perhaps.

Cassie: Bye British stranger!

Unknown: Goodbye Love.

Wrong number ❖ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now