Road trip?

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Kol had been driving with me stuck in the seat beside him for a  long while and I neither of us had said anything. I didn't know what to say. I sighed glancing at the door handle. "There's no point in trying to escape darling" Kol finally broke the silence. "I'll simply catch you again." I glared at my former friend. "Why am I here?" I asked, nervous for the answer. "I'm taking you back home." Was his simple response. 

I sat there shocked for the moment, that was the last thing I expected to hear. "To Denver?" I questioned. Kol shook his head. "No. Mystic Falls." That shocked me even more. "Look Kol, I don't know what you're playing at but if you are taking me anywhere it will be back to Denver. I chose to leave Mystic Falls, Denver is my home now." I explained to him. "Cassie darling." Kol began glancing at me "Trust me". 

I scoffed. "Yeah right, I'll trust Kol. It's not like you pretended to be mine and Jeremy's friend or anything. And what about Lila? You're girlfriend? My friend?" Kol glanced at me. "Lila... wasn't your friend, any more than she was my girlfriend. I compelled her to play the part and..." "You fed on her?" He nodded, I shuddered. "Contrary to what believe. I was only pretending to be Jeremy's friend, you are not so bad Cassie." 

Before I could respond, Kols phone rang. "Ah hello Nik" Kol eyed me as he said his brothers name, as if searching for a reaction. Why would I care about Klaus? 

"Yeah, yeah she's right here beside me" He said. They're talking about me? "Yes Niklaus, she is safe. Not a single hair on her head has been harmed by myself or anyone for that manner." 

Hearing this I immediately yelled "Oww Kol that hurt!" Kol looked at my with wide eyes practically saying 'what the hell are you doing?' I shrugged smiling. Through the phone I could hear muffled yells "No! I didn't hurt her Nik, she's a bloody faker!" Kol shouted back into the phone. 

"Look, we're three hours away from Mystic Falls! I'll call you the moment she remembers." I glanced at him. Huh? 

"Why the bloody hell would you do that Cass?" Kol asked the moment he hung up the phone. "Because I can" I explained. "Now why don't you explain to me what the hell is going on? Why does your brother care about my safety and what am I supposed to be remembering?" I questioned. "You'll remember, when you remember." The statement made me throw my hands in the air, "That isn't an explanation Kol!" I told him, annoyed. "Well its the explanation you'll have to accept for now." 

I crossed my arms. "Stupid vampire" I muttered. 

"Stupid Original Vampire, darling" Kol simple added. 

Wrong number ❖ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now