17. Whipped

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Wednesday night, Peter was able to get up from his bed again and walk a little bit. He didn't try taking the stairs though. Thursday morning, he opened the curtains a bit, but the sun was still too bright. Thursday night, he couldn't sleep so he used his ability to walk to find Robin, dragged the boy to his bed and they spent half of the night laughing and talking and the other half actually sleeping. 

On Friday, Robin was a little shy around Peter and tried to avoid him, but Peter's headache was now almost gone, especially with some painkillers he barely felt a thing, so he could just go downstairs on his own. He rested a bit in the afternoon, with the sleeping David next to him. 

John also called in, setting an appointment for Saturday afternoon. Friday night, Peter and Robin went stargazing again.

After lunch on Saturday, Robin went home. He had a week off next week, but still told Peter he would drop by often to check on Peter. Peter knew that was not the real reason, but he was surely okay with it, after all a week without Robin after seeing him everyday for almost two weeks seemed a bit scary to him too.

Robin had told him many times that he should be really careful, because he didn't want to take care of him for another week. Peter knew he was lying and actually just worried about him, but he thought it was cute.


'Hey mate!' John embraced Peter when he opened the door. 'Yo complexion is so pale, go outside sum more, whitey. How's it going?'

'I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you!' Peter laughed as he hugged the big man. 'How about you?'

'Never been better.' John replied, letting go of Peter. 'But ya complexion aside, you look pretty good.'

'I slept well last week, I guess that's why.' Peter smiled, he had missed his friend a bit. John lived over an hour away, in the countryside, so they didn't see each other that often, especially since he owned a ranch that kept him occupied as well.

'UNCLE JOHN!!!' Felicia came running to the hall, followed by the short-legged David. 'Uncle John~' he repeated after her in his tiny voice.

'Hey, my little friends!' John squished Felicia's cheeks and ruffled her hair before grabbing David and lifting him up high. David's laughter filled the air, making Peter feel happy as well.

While Peter went to make coffee for his guest, John sat down with both kids on his lap. Peter heard their happy chattering voices and smiled to himself, his heart warming. He truly felt happy at moments like these.


'So, was I right about ya new nanny or nah? How's it so far?' John says when they are sitting next to each other on the couch, the kids playing together again. 

'I really didn't expect him to be a boy.' Peter admitted. 'But he's the most adorable boy I've ever seen. I mean, except for David. He's really cute.'

John grinned. 'I know right? Rick used to be rather fond of him as well.'

'Yeah well, being cute is only one of his many talents. His cooking tastes like heaven, he cracked Felicia within an hour, he knows exactly what to do when something goes wrong, he draws beautifully, he can comfort people really well, is truly empathic and always notices how I feel, and he is able to make me fall asleep. And then he is devoted to us so much, it's just... it's hard to believe that you found us such a perfect nanny.'

John showed his typical lop-sided grin. 'Someone here is a lil whipped for someone...'

'I'm not!' Peter blushed. 'He is just... the right person, that's all.'

'And he took care of yo dumb ass all week? Helped ya sleep? Comforted ya? Dang, the being whipped thing ain't even one-sided.'

'No, it's not like that.' Peter protested. 'He's just a caring person, it's his nature.'

'Sure.' John laughed. 'Anyways, I'm happy you two get along. Not like I didn't expect it, but it's a relief that someone is taking care of you too. You look much better than last time I saw you. You looked buggered back then.'

'Hm. I'm gonna find a therapist.' Peter said.

'Really? Why so suddenly?'

'In the past week, all the pain has come out. I've been crying and hurting a lot because of Leah. I still haven't moved on, I just buried it, and now it's coming out. I don't think I can cope with it on my own, and I don't want to end up bothering Robin with it all the time. His life is already so rough, and I feel like it's way more than he has told me so far.'

John nodded slowly. 'I understand. I've always felt like something was odd about the way you moved on. I'm proud of you for taking that decision, mate. It's hard to admit you need help.'

'Yeah...' Peter suddenly recalled what Robin had told him. 'By the way, why did you not tell me about Richard remarrying?'



What if Hyuna and E'Dawn had been gay oop-

I'm living for his eye make-up btw.

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