87. Twisting and twisting

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Robin's POV

Robin's mind flashed back to that day. They had a fallout, a few days prior. Robin couldn't keep his anger to himself anymore and got mad at Isaac, who told him he was ungrateful for doubting his love while spending so much time in his house and leeching of his money. That had made Robin really upset, because even though he always offered to pay, Isaac never let him. He had stormed out in rage, but regretted it a day later and texted and called Isaac to apologise, but the latter never replied. At the end of his wits, Robin went to his house. Isaac wasn't happy to see him unannounced, because it was his mom who opened up, whom Robin met for the first time. Isaac just kept throwing insults at Robin while the latter apologised profusely, saying he was sorry for lashing out on Isaac, while he was aware of the boy's struggles. He promised he wouldn't do that anymore, for Isaac to not let him go, because he couldn't live without him.

'Apparently, that stroked his ego just the right way, because he pinned me against the wall and kissed me again. There was a lot of passion of course, no one of us was thinking rationally. I guess that's why we were both too stupid to notice the sound of someone approaching until the door swung open and I saw a girl I had seen in one of his recent Insta posts. She just stared at us in shock and Isaac immediately pushed me away and apologised to her. "Babe, I'm so sorry," was what he said to her. "It's all a misunderstanding, let me explain." She didn't, leaving right away, and all I knew was I had to get out of there too.'

Through his tears, he grabbed his clothes and put them on as fast as he could, while Isaac tried to grab his hand and hug him, saying he was so confused. 'I don't know what to do, Robin,' he sobbed. 'I'm sorry, I love you both. I just don't know what to do. Tell me what to do, Robin?'

'If you really loved me, you wouldn't do this to me,' Robin cried. 'How long has this been going on, Isaac?'

'Robin, I-'

'How long?' Robin yelled.

'Four... four months.'

Robin just couldn't help it anymore. His legs gave out, he sunk to the floor, sobbing uncontrollable. Isaac tried to hug him, but Robin pushed him away. 'Why? Why would you do that? Why?'

'I'm sorry,' Isaac cried, pinning Robin's arms to his side and hugging him forcibly. 'I didn't mean to. Please don't leave me. What you just said, about not being able to live without you, I- I can't live without you either. Please- please don't leave me.'

Robin found it really hard to not believe him, but he knew it was yet another one of these lies Isaac had been telling him for months. Four months! He had deceived Robin for four months, telling him he loved him, while in fact, he never did. From the start, it had been about Isaac and what he wanted. Robin had never been able to say no to someone who gave him attention, and when that attention didn't come easily anymore, he felt like he had to earn it. Something which made him an incredibly easy target. He had been so stupid, so incredibly stupid, to fall for someone like him, to ignore all the warning signs. All this time, he had just been a secret gay lover for his convenience, so he didn't have to come out while still enjoying that side of his sexuality. But he made Robin believe he was the only one, that they would have a future together, while in fact, Isaac had never planned on coming out. He had been waiting for nothing, and now the future he had imagined with him, the house with the two kids and a dog, the loving husband greeting him with a kiss after work, their happy family... it was gone. It would never happen. Robin was bound to be on his own.

'You never f*cking loved me.' Robin struggled to free himself from his grasp. 'I have no idea how I didn't see that. You will never love me, and neither will you love her, because in the end, the only person you ever cared about is yourself. I bet that's why your ex left you.'

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