70. She'll be apples

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Peter had to hold back every single fiber in his body from hugging Robin when the boy appeared on his doorstep the next day, with a wide smile again, just like the first day. 'Robin,' he said breathlessly. 'I missed you.'

At that, Robin's face seemed to twitch a bit before he regained the perfect smile and looked at the kids running towards him. David threw himself in the boy's arms without any hesitation, but Felicia halted just before him, staring at him, tearing up, before Robin swept her into a hug as well, nuzzling his face into her golden locks. 'I missed you too, little sunshine,' he muttered.


Peter watched them interact the entire afternoon, but the more he did, the more his chest hurt. It was starting to feel similar to the way it was before. Robin's laughter mixed with that of the kids. Except one thing was different. Whenever Robin looked up and met Peter's gaze, his smile faltered. His love for the kids had not changed, however, it was Peter specifically that he had grown away from. But why? They had talked, the day after the incident. Peter had been abundantly clear that he would love Robin no matter what. And Robin had seemed content with that. They had been on good terms all week, just until...

The morning they were leaving. The day after the night he got drunk. The night he doesn't remember.

He got up. Robin looked at him in confusion. 'I forgot I had to make a call,' Peter said. 'You'll be fine, right?'

Robin nodded. 'Yeah.' Then he focused on the kids again.

Peter went to his room, closed the door and called John, anxiously biting his nails while waiting for the other to pick up.

'Pete? What's up?'

'How much do you remember from the night we got drunk?'

'Uhm... not much. Except you whining 'bout not knowing what to do about Robin 'till I got sick of ya.'

'Hm.' So he had been thinking about Robin at least. Well, that was not much of a surprise, but still. Robin had been on his mind, so what if they met during that night?

'Why, mate?'

'I told you about how he seemed to be avoiding me, a couple weeks ago, remember?'


'Well, maybe Larry isn't the whole reason. I can see he's healing. He seems really happy to be around the kids again, but everytime he looks at me, I can see the smile leave his eyes. Almost as if he's scared of me? I know, it seems bizarre.'

'Right, scared of YOU?' John went quiet for a few seconds. 'Wow, Pete, what did you do?'

'Exactly,' Peter said. 'I was hoping you might have an idea, but I guess not.'

'Yeah, I was legless, mate. I got no idea. Well, you can get really touchy when you're drunk, that's it. But Robin's used to that.'

Peter gasped. 'But what- what if I... did something he did not consent to?'

'What? No, Pete, rack off. You're considerate even when you're drunk. At most, you two pashed. But then again, that's not the first time.'

'No, I told you, we did not. We got interrupted before we had the chance.'

'Still counts. He knew you wanted it and didn't move away.'

'True,' Peter sighed, 'but that was before he got assaulted.'

'Oh, right,' John suddenly remembered. 'I did leave you on the hay after a couple drinks. I don't remember seeing you after that.'

Right, the haystack. Peter racked his brain trying to remember, but he couldn't.

'Oh!' John said. 'I know. When I came back inside, I told Robin where you were. He defo left after that.'

Peter sighed shakily, pressing his hand against his forehead. 'I'm screwed. I'm so screwed. Why did it have to be the one night I don't remember?'

'Well, can't you ask him what happened?'

'Right. As if whatever I did to him isn't bad enough. I hurt him, and then I forgot. I'm absolutely heartless.'

'If there's one thing you're not, it's heartless,' John said. 'But how are you going to fix this if you don't even know what happened?'

'I'll just try harder to remember. I know the memory must still be somewhere, and thanks to you, I know what direction to think in.'

'Okay, mate,' John sighed. 'Just don't be too hard on yourself. You sound buggered. She'll be apples.'

'Yeah,' Peter said. 'Thanks a lot, mate. How's it going over there, by the way?'

'Oh right, mate. Guess who found himself a new farmhand!'

'That is awesome!' Peter said. 'Since when?'

'Last week. She's on her fifth day right now, and I can tell you, it looks promising.'

'Oh, it's a she!' Peter said. 'Do y'all get along well?'

'Yeah, we do,' John said. 'She's like the sister I never had. So much fun. And she can drink, mate! Unbelievable.'

'Sounds perfect,' Peter said, smiling softly. 'I'm so happy for you, mate. What's her name?'


Sophie. Peter couldn't wait to meet her. It had been a while since he heard John excited like this. It made him happy, knowing that his friend was now a little bit less lonely.


When Peter went downstairs, he halted halfway on the stairs to just listen to Robin's laughter. It made his chest feel warm and tight at the same time. Robin was starting to get his smile back, but the reason he lost it... might be on Peter.

He smiled at Robin again, however, it didn't feel as convincing. Robin noticed right away and Peter saw worry cloud his gaze for a moment. 'You okay?' he asked quietly when Peter sat down again.

Peter nodded, ruffling David's curls. The toddler looked up with big eyes before leaning into the touch. Felicia also noticed, but she did not comment on it.


Y'all I watched Titanic yesterday night and it was a really bad idea. I was sobbing violently for minutes after 12AM and now I am so fn tired omg. Imma do one more update and then go to sleep. Also, it's my last week of school omg yass

Stuck in my head, ffs. 

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