45. Pwesents!

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'Daddy!' Peter was brutally awoken by both of his kids jumping on top of him. 'What is it?' he groaned, trying to open his eyes against the bright light of the lamp they had switched on.

'Is David birthday!' the now three-year-old yelled, throwing himself into Peter in excitement. Peter caught him, scoffing. 'Right. How late is it even?'

'Uh... 5:38,' Felicia said, after checking his phone. She paused for a second, then she yelled: 'But we need time to celebrate, so wake up, wake up, wake up!'

'I'm already awake,' Peter said, lifting David above his head. 'Happy birthday, Dave. Felicia woke you up, didn't she?'

'I couldn't sleep anymore!' Felicia defended herself. 'I can't wait to give him the present I made for him.'

That word caused the toddler to look up. 'Pwesents!' he said, his eyes twinkling.

'Yes, presents,' Peter laughed, putting the boy back on the bed next to him and sitting up. 'Alright, I'll get ready. I think we shouldn't wake up Robin though.'

'Too bad, I'm already awake.' Robin was leaning against the doorframe. 'Happy birthday, Davey.' He squatted and spread his arms, David immediately ran into them. Robin lifted him. 'I'll get this little monkey dressed,' he said.

'I'm already dressed,' Felicia said proudly.

'I can see that,' Robin said. 'Your T-shirt is on backwards though.'

'Oh, oops!' Felicia said, running to her room to change it.

'Thanks,' Peter said. 'Did they wake you up?'

Robin shook his head. 'I woke up at four and couldn't fall asleep. Pills didn't help.'

'Oh...' Peter said. 'You should just sleep with me. You always sleep full nights when you're with me.'

Robin chuckled. 'I can't depend on you for the rest of my life. Thanks for the offer though.'

David decided he had had enough of the two and tugged at Robin's shirt. 'Pwesents, pwesents!'

'Alright, alright,' Robin laughed. 'Let's go and put our birthday boy in some festive clothes, shall we?' He booped the boy's nose and left. Peter smiled to himself as he got up and walked to his closet. He heard their laughter in the room next to him. David had gotten a lot more lively since Robin arrived. The two got along so well. Peter felt truly blessed that a true gift like Robin had been sent to them.


Felicia was already at the kitchen table, chin resting on her arm as she was staring at the stack of presents the three of them had set up yesterday. The room was all decorated with flaglines and balloons, which David pointed out with big eyes. 'Loons!'

'Yes, balloons for you.' Robin put him on he ground. 'So, how old are you now?'

David looked at him incomprehensively before running to Felicia. 'Pwesents!'

'I doubt he knows what a birthday is aside from the fact that he gets presents,' Peter whispered.

'Hm.' Robin shrugged. 'Well, let's not keep those two waiting, right?'


Today, Peter actually had to teach, but he was off early. But before he went home, he took a stop somewhere else, ringing the doorbell.

Mrs Wilson opened up. 'Peter. What are you doing here?'

'Please come to David's birthday,' Peter said. 'He would like it if you came. So would Felicia and I.'

'Alright,' she said.

That was easier than Peter thought it would be.

'The others can come too,' he added.

She nodded. 'We'll be there around 4PM.'

'Thank you, I appreciate it,' Peter said.

'Will the nanny be there too?'

'Yes, Robin will be there,' Peter said. 'He lives with us.'

'Is he gay?'

'Huh?' Peter looked at her in confusion. 'Is that relevant?'

'Yes. Very relevant.'


'Believe me, there's a reason. Just answer my question.'

'I am not in a position to do so, mother. It's a private matter.'

'So he is,' she said. 'Thank you. I'll see you.'

She closed the door, leaving Peter on the doorstep, dumbfounded. Did his speech have that little impact?


Istg David is the cutest kid I've ever seen. Okay, aside from that kid I babysit. He's like starting to talk now, but he doesn't grasp the concept of consonants. So he will like take the vowel of the word he's trying to say, put "b" in front of it, and depending on the word, put a "p" after it. Beep boop boop baap boop boop beep.

This queen, she will never ever dissappoint. The pure emotion she can convey through her song transcends language. I can't even speak Korean, but I hear every word.

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