74. Fly

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'So...' Mrs Robinson cleared her throat after Richard left. 'What happened?'

'Well, clearly, we talked it out.'

'Peter, he beat you to a pulp and then didn't talk to you for years.'

'I know,' Peter said. 'And he felt really guilty for it. The fact that he had the guts to come back on his mistakes years later proves to me that he has changed. I moved on, but never got closure. It has always been in the back of my mind, affecting my decisions. But today, he took the sting away. He told me he had liked me back, but... well, let's just say his life hasn't been easy either.'

Mrs Robinson was quiet for a moment, before she smiled and patted his back. 'You soft-hearted boy. You've always been way too good for this world.'

'Oh, shut up...' Peter laughed awkwardly.

'I'm serious!' Mrs Robinson, hitting his back pretty hard now. It hurt a bit. 'Don't let people walk all over you. And I'm not just talking about him. Robin as well. You deserve an explanation, at least.'

'Well, I'm not sure,' Peter said. 'For now, I'll just try a little harder to remember.'


Though he lied awake for a long time again, he slept with more peace tonight. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. A weight he didn't even realize was there, because it had been there for so long now. Right now, he felt light as a feather, free. There was only one thing holding him back now. Oh, how he wished he could break through that last obstacle, but no matter how hard he tried, he still didnt get anything beyond the kissing moment. How did Robin respond, and more importantly, how had Peter responded to his reaction? The key to Robin's current behaviour was probably in there.

He tried to remember, but fell asleep before he could. He tried to remember throughout the next day, but it was driving he crazy. He was distracted and the kids noticed. Felicia's mood was getting worse as Peter barely listened to her and she was very grumpy. She took her grumpiness out on David by taking his toys multiple times and raising her voice at him. Despite Peter repeatedly telling her to stop, it eventually caused the toddler to have a meltdown where he just laid flat on the floor crying. He didn't want to be touched, he slapped Peter's hand away. Peter got a little mad at Felicia, but realized it was also his fault and apologized for being out of it, after which him and Felicia hugged it out. 

Felicia then apologized to David and asked if he needed a hug, but David still didn't want to. So instead, Felicia laid down next to him, without saying anything. Peter thought that was cute so he did too and the three of them laid there until David stopped crying and rolled over, crawling on top of Felicia to give her a hug. Peter joined them and soon enough, David was back to his happy self again. After this, Peter decided that remembering that night could wait. He might not know if the key to solving the whole situation was in there, but he knew that with all these insecurities, he should be there for the kids even more. So, he took them to the playground instead.

He mostly watched as they played. He did offer to push Felicia's swing, but she strongly prohibited it. 'Robin isn't here,' she said. 'What if I hit you in the head again?'

'Sure,' Peter laughed. 'You're a big girl, you can do it yourself.' And sure enough, she pulled it off.

David was tired after a few minutes and came to Peter. Peter decided to take the toddler with him on the swing. So he sat there, rocking back and forth with David leaning heavily into him. It was pretty relaxing. Though it was still cold, the sun was shining. A few birds were singing again, he saw a few of them flying by with twigs in their beaks.

All of a sudden, he felt something in his eyes. A fly must've flown in there. He tried to remove it, but it only hurt more.

'What's wrong, daddy?' Felicia asked, stopping the swing.

'Something must've gotten into my eye,' Peter said. 'Can you look for me?'

'Sure.' Felicia stood in front of him and inspected his eyes. 'Hey, I never noticed,' she said.

'What?' Peter asked.

'You have a bit of green in your eyes.'

"Wow... your eyes. There's a little green in there."

Wait, what? Was that him?

"I'm not a coward."

Memories started flooding in, one by one, becoming connected and finally forming the missing piece he had been looking for.

"Try me."

'Oh, it was a fly,' Felicia said, showing the dead fly on her pinky finger. 'Daddy? Are you okay?'

Sh*t. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.

I'm such an *ssh*le.


Whoop whoop, ready to find out what happened?

Okay, this is the last one, I promise.

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